Never Gonna Register

The first times Drew started doing panel on daytime talkshows, he was worried about the creeping effect of conflating his medical advice and playing to the media…. welp

I didn't avidly follow The Man Show like Loveline. I'm glad that their brand of sexism didn't fly like the more benevolent previous brand!

What's my dad doing in Israel?

I listen! They have aged really well (relationship and familial problems are timeless), except for all the comments about the internet.
DrDrew.com has counselors ready in their chat room to assist you!

He's changed for sure. Classic Loveline episodes are around and still discussed on many forums. Most people ignore anything beyond 2005, like Simpsons fans ignore anything beyond Season 11.

The Man show probably gets a lot of flack here, but the Jimmy/Adam era had a sort of Benny Hill cheekiness, where the Stanhope/Rogan era went icky, too close to misogyny.

Yeah Adam and Drew needed each other and the callers to keep their worse aspects in check. It really was a magical time, all the elements of the time period brought out their best attributes.

In my timeline, Adam Carolla and Dr Drew were kidnapped in 2005 and replaced by evil Westwood One robots.

they bought them in 2007, hence my assertion that 2006 was the most beneficial intersection of technology and human usage.

It had to be done….

I'm trying to pinpoint the year Google turned away from being heroes in the eyes of the pubilc.

And Lady Mary from Downton Abby with a short role as a Texas FBI agent that gets strangled by Hanna

Its work just like regular money…but its.uh.fun

that sounds like the truly wholesome affair I was talking about!

yeah but if its in Knotts Berry thats more of a national thing

from what little i've seen and heard (from friends younger siblings of course), was that 98% of any race entering these clubs probably have some misdemeanor in their future.

yeah the kid was talking about his rival high school, whereas the professor addressed homosexuality in the Greek city-state of Sparta

I think the writer was conveying the innate psychological pressure to act surprised and love the product once they realized Chevy was behind it.

Excuse me, ma'am. Do you like to laugh?

That's Gorzo the Mighty, Emperor of the Universe. He's had like 7 or 8 columns.