Nick the Great

The only thing worse than this ten episodes of utter dreck was the preview for the new episode of the "Walking Dead" that came after the season's conclusion.

Wait, "Alcatraz" is the show where a smoke-monster frees all the guys from prison so they can read about Milo Rembaldi, and then a God named Jacob sends to them to an alternate version of Earth that is trying to destroy our version in the future, right?  Cool, just making sure.

You got it, guy.

The "Old Man" cover was by James McCartney (Paul's kid) — I also know that they have previously used "California Dreamin" by Shaw Blades, probably some others as well, though nothing jumps out specifically…

I agree whole-heartedly.  RZA is not the world's finest thespian, however, he is playing a rap-mogul.  Not that much of a stretch, and I actually found his delivery to be pretty amusing.  I was expecting something disastrous when I saw his character sitting there at first (and heard that atrocious name) but was

While Californication is never going to be Oscar Wilde, it has been a very enjoyable mild entertainment for a number of years now — I for one am glad to see it added to the TV Club coverage.

If this were a Chubby Rain adaptation, then we'd be talking…

How about a PENIS! Am I right? Am I right?

Four is quite good, and I dug all the news room stuff in five. All in all, I think we can all agree that it is moof who is is way overrated.

Is it twisted that I kind of think Mel Gibson should be cast as somebody crotchety in this?

I've never read this…
Seriously, not even a page… not even a frame… am I missing anything?

Time to dust off the old DVR again…

Tbis Is Still On?
I don't really enjoy the show all that much, but continue to watch it out of habit. I predict that I will probably just pretend the season finale from last years was the series finale and quit before the clock is up on this year's episodes.

Ray Was Much Improved…
Now, I'm going to go out on a limb and say from the general lack of comments on this thread that people have generally found Hung to be as forgettable as Mr. VanDerWerff here has. That being said…

What I'm Grateful For…
So, I had a week off from work and plowed through the entire Deadwood series in the course of about six days (and started reading these write ups about an episode into season 2). While that is probably too quick to properly soak in all the subtitles and subplots properly, I have to say that I

Come on, it's Lupe!
Anything Fiasco-related is always awesome!

Yeah, I think it's under appreciated (though, in fairness, I have been defending it since the Pilot, so I might not be the most unbiased source) — but on the whole I think it's a pretty fun show, not groundbreaking television by any means, but I enjoy it. I would probably put this in the "B" range. I thought the last

I kind of feel guilty saying it, but I thought the Zoe chick was kind of hot. She really did it for me despite the whole "slaughtered her whole family like dogs" thing. It can't just be me, right?!

In fairness, this show isn't populated by hipsters, aside from perhaps ZG, who seems to be the lone person that people love. It is filled with some yuppies here or there, but not hipsters. Think of it more as the Jay McInerney crowd…

I think I hate you.