Nick the Great

Yep. You're totally right. I'm going to correct this above if only because it is annoying the shit out of me that I got it wrong.

Jose Gonzalez "Far Away" from Red Dead Redemption should certainly be on this list.

I double posted this somehow. It was that damned important.

I double posted this somehow. It was that damned important.

"No!  I support Santorum because of the abortions!  THE ABORTIONS!"

"No!  I support Santorum because of the abortions!  THE ABORTIONS!"

That Sloane is just very lucky that we allowed her to have the vote.

That Sloane is just very lucky that we allowed her to have the vote.



Worst period, relationship period, ever period.

Worst period, relationship period, ever period.

I plan on getting a full Miley Cyrus portrait on my back.  Really take it in the other direction.

My experience to this date has suggested that Pynchon-loving women do not exist… nor do women who love sex with me, for that matter.

I am hot and cold about all of it.  I have found, though, that most of my moments of enjoyment come from Mike G and Frank Ocean… for whatever that is worth, which is not much…

Personally, I have the opening line to "Gravity's Rainbow" inside my left bicep.  Not exactly a pop-culture staple, though.  I have only had one person see it and know the reference, and even that was an apathetic, "Huh, Pynchon, right?"

I have only listened to the first half of this, and while it did not blow my mind, I did not viscerally hate it as some of the reviews I have read seemed to indicate I might.  While there is an emptiness to the music and to her voice, I have found that very emptiness provides me opportunity to project my own emotional

Update on my own post… Nothing listed for Kem after JFC on IMDB.

I would love to figure out what Kem Nunn is up to these days…  "Deadwood" and "John From Cincinnati" are both tremendous fun, and his novels "Tapping the Source" and "Pomona Queen" are both books I really enjoyed…  I hope Milch has him involved with "Luck" in some way… Off to IMDB to find out!