
So as I said before I came into this most looking forward to the Raven-Clarke dynamic…and I've gotta say I was disappointed that the conflict was resolved so quickly. I'd have been fine if they decided to write the aftermath so that there was no conflict at all, i.e. Raven is resigned, despairing, but ultimately

It's official. Korrasami is canon, so nobody can prevaricate on the romantic tone of the last scene. After some time and thought, I've decided that while this choice is a good one for tv and children's tv as a whole, I'm not so sure that Korrasami's love was supported by the rest of the series. Asami we hardly knew

Yes we are

The 100 is definitely my most anticipated show to watch now that Legend of Korra is over. hahaha no one reading this thread will believe I'm a grown woman.

I know Korrasami fans are feeling the feels right now and will likely be cheering for years to come. BUT I feel sort of conflicted, mainly because I don't think the romance was supported throughout the show. I'm one of the non-shipper fans of this show (am I the only one?) I loved that after season 1's nonsense, Korra

Holy s*#! on a stick! How did the CW become my favorite network???? #Arrow #TheFlash #The100 #JanetheVirgen Genre tv FTW

I'd say he's also responsible for quite a few of the 300 being dead as well. (What are we down to 52 at this point?) Remember he blasted all the gunpowder before the season ending battle last season. Plus: He killed a few people at the start of last season, and nearly killed Bellamy, Jasper and Raven.

Obv, Clarke blaming Murphy for not stopping Finn was awful. But I took it as Clarke being desperate to blame anyone other than herself. In fact, if you realize she blames herself for his actions suddenly her conversations with Finn post-massacre read more as her desperately trying to let herself off the hook.

I look forward to see how this affects the Raven-Clarke dynamic.

I'm with you. Really I didn't feel the feels at all until Raven's wail.

HahaA! I was just thinking the credit sequence recalled GoT! Glad I'm not the only one. Re Jaha's story line: They pulled a double fake on me. I thought it was all in his head, then was convinced it was real. In fact, when he just found cloth my immediate thought was, "Where did he go!!!" before realizing oh. Yeah. it

Woooooo! I had enjoyed last season so much I was wishing someone here would post recaps or at least acknowledge all the great things this show is doing. Imagine my delight upon finding this!!!! Season 2 looks to continue the excellence

Anyone else's spidey sense tingle when P'Li went out of her way to mention that warlord??? Azula??????? (Also are we sure she's dead? Zaheer clearly thought so, but I'm not as convinced…)

Yeah I'd say exactly correct on that last bit. I'd also add that I think the men/boys are judged far more harshly than the girls on the sexy aspect. Hence all the male finalists over the years that are extremely boyish (I'm looking at you Kent and Joshua) Another interesting change that's occurred over the seasons

This season as a whole has left me feeling rather detached. Part of that was the interchangeable contestants (esp on the female side). It's been hard to remember what happened from week to week. But I think the biggest reason of why that's true is because the choreo this year has been truly lacking. Can you all

I'd generally agree, but I think a certain kind of sex appeal still gets votes. Most of my examples are from early seasons though i.e Anya, Lauren (both), Pasha, Kathryn. I just think the sexiness the contestant projects has to also be accessible rather than intimidating. Most recently I think Eliana and Jasmine did

Last night's episode is over and I can't be bothered to reflect. Why? CAN YOU SAY ZACRON TAP DUET?!!?

Don't tell me AV Club is dropping Korra coverage now that it's online only!!!

This season has absolutely been a return to the form of ATLA. Indeed there are even things here that I might even like better (BLASPHEMY!) mainly because the characters are older. But this reviews got me worried. Everything I'd read to this point reassured me that despite Nick's gigantic huge fuck up, season 4 was

It's called K-Mart