
That opening scene was over the top, dickensian, grim, etc. So maybe I'm giving the show staff too much credit, but as soon as I saw the scene I read it as: The Queen Mansion on Earth 2 is an Orphanage! Isn't Oliver Queens' Dad the Arrow there?

Raven for Heda!!!

I totally took that "crazy ex-girlfriend" line as fourth wall breaking nod to the CW line up. I expect a line about virgin births next week.

What is the deal with that ring?

The "Rationalization is a river in Egypt…" line was my nom for Ravi is the Best tonight.

This episode has soooo many things going for it! I was tearing up at Kirsten Bell's cameo because I couldn't laugh out loud. What a great throwback to her Gossip Girl line readings. Then I was nearly shouting at the screen when Blaine and Peyton were making kissy faces. Dear god the emotional devastation on Aly

If you're in it just for the visual, you could always go watch a highlight reel of PS I Love You. Unless of course Hilary Swank isn't pale enough.

I'm living for the James Blake song over the end scenes, it's so devastating! Also the motel the drummer goes to looks exactly like the Camelot…takes me back!

Go watch The 100.

I commented a while back on a thread for The 100 that the CW was airing nearly all the shows I'm watching this season. It appears to be only more true with the addition of iZombie. Seriously, what the hell???

I'm one of the fans of the show that didn't like this episode. Like Kayla mentions it is very similar in conceit to "Decision Tree". However, I loved that episode not because of the refreshing form, but because it hinged on the central relationship of the show up to that point, and how Will was working through his

AHA. Julieta Venegas for the win, thought it was her voice, but the rest sounds like a Gotan Project song

I'd assumed it was a Gotan Project track…but maybe Julieta Venegas????

See also the scene at the trash chute with Mya (Maya?) gasping for air: Harper says something like, she doesn't have much time left, blah blah 19 minutes blah blah. To which Mya replies, "*gasp* Not helping Harper! *cough**gasp*"

I'm a big fan of the Tuesday night combo of The Flash+Agent Carter too. But, the Wednesday night combo of Arrow+The 100+The Americans might be even greater.

If you can get past the "SCIENCE" of this episode and the last: Hot damn was this episode good. The nuclear blasts sans radiation, bodies magically appearing clothing and all, ion blasts, etc. not so much

I don't check IMDB because I generally want to be clueless…but now I'm a little freaked out! Is she gone after the next episode??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO


Was he this bad in season 1??? I remember liking him at least a little???

Gives new meaning to Moonshine