
Czuchry? But obviously Matt is easy enough. Easier even than Carey/Cary.

Carey is played by a guy named Matt….

Cosmo of all places published this great (really no sarcasm) write-up of why Christina Yang is a bamf. I love it so much and it immediately takes me back to season 1 days. <3 http://www.cosmopolitan.com…

hahahaha I've done the same! Except, it was 4 years ago and I subbed Friday Night Lights for Grey's. I got hooked to Grey's with those first 3 seasons, dropped out and then got reeled back in for the season 6 finale and season 7. I just dropped in for this episode because Christina Yang is the best.

Mostly yes, but I have to give a shout out to the weird "lullaby" version of Roisin Murphy's Ruby Blue. I'm not sure I like the lullaby version, but I LOVE the OG.

My money is with this answer. Also it looks like Malcolm in the promo photo for next week, although it could be some other League of Assassins dude…

Waiting until next week will be hard, but not torturous. Now the wait until next season however….

AAAH! So awesome! 2 quibbles: How the hell did Blood get away with the cure? Why is Thea forgetting she has a brother? Aside from that: Best pun as seen on Twitter: "Thea's Got a Gun by Arrowsmith"

Damn Michiel Huisman is getting around! Someone give his agents a hand. Am I the only one who thought "oh, retired rock star" when he appeared in the cabin? Then again half of you were probably hoping for an actual pissing contest.

So the Thea's parentage secret is out, but what happens when they find out that Merlyn is still alive and Moira knew? Cannot wait.

You know Jordan and Plemmons have probably been the most critically lauded, but almost without exception all of the kids have been working. Not always in critically acclaimed stuff, but working. Can you say that for any other show, esp one with such a huge cast? I'd say Zach Gilford's had the hardest time of it,

Michael B Jordan's doing just fine too

Nice to see SYTYCD get some love for that marvelous opening number, but I'd have like to have seen a shout out to the late, much mourned, series Bunheads. Maybe AV club folks are still smarting from it's cancellation??? I know I am. http://www.youtube.com/watc…


Excellent episode as has been noted. I'm excited to see the rest of the season and really hoping the show doesn't go on "break" due to the Olympics like a few of my other favorites.
Quick question: When did Merlyn figure out that the Arrow=Ollie? I can't remember for the life of me. Similarly, didn't the Huntress

She's lost so much weight in comparison to last season, but really even over the course of this season. It's truly startling, and it's especially noticeable in her face and hands. IMO it is sad.

Wow. I'm surprised by the Justin-hate in the review here. I'm not as convinced he's a hot-head blowhard just yet. If it continues into another episode I might be more swayed. Mostly it's because of how quiet and soft-spoken he's appeared to be until the last episode. Meanwhile, Sara (the edited version of her) has

I believe the order on Netflix and the original airing are different. In any case it only affected season 1 to my knowledge. I don't remember too clearly but I was especially annoyed by the inconsistencies re: John Scott.

A-. Great use of music once again, I'm in love with that rollicking score used at the very end. It was used in "Hits the Fan" as well. Always happy to see Jordana Spiro as well!

B+ Sounds about right. I missed the urgency that these cases usually have, but aside from the Jackie sub-plot I thought the pacing was perfect.
Maybe I'm being willfully blind, but I'm kind of excited for this new Kalinda story-line. True, it's looking like it's a complete rehash of season 2's Blake story line