Norn Cutson

Yes, I know I would be in the first train to The Colonies.

Me too!!!

OH, and I ESPECIALLY want to hear everyone's takes on the little bit of "news" we get from the outside world… that an Aunt has escaped to Canada and is telling her story (I didn't understand Serena's idea to "discredit her but not her story", did I mishear that?)

This was the episode that felt most like AN EPISODE OF TELEVISION… and I mean that in both the good and bad ways.

Because nobody clicked on the FILET-O-FISH™ review.

I do wish that we'd see more Aunts other than Lydia; I feel like focusing on her makes it seem like she's The Big Bad in a cult, rather than a cog in a nation-wide system.
I've seen many comments that seem to imply that it's not coming across to viewers that this THE SYSTEM now, not some splinter group.

This show is such a treat, the way it opens up people's lives for us!
Maybe next season Troy's Butt can have it's own episode?

I guess she gives a touch of DEFAMATION to the show!

This was the episode that I FELL IN LOVE with this show!
I am on board & invested 100%!

The Roches will ALWAYS be important to me.
Each of their songs holds a message that, if it does't resonate with you now, will hit you when you're older.

And also that the "anti-hero" never gets any comeuppance; everyone surrounding them is however stupid the plot needs them to be at any moment.

Also: have you noticed people being ruder in the comments here since the election?

I finished ONE DAY AT A TIME.
I can't sing its praises enough!
I'd love to have an episode-by-episode discussion of the show!
Even aside from THE SHOW, I feel like there's so much to talk about the TECHNICAL aspects of making a mutlicam show feel SO FRESH! You can see so much thought has gone into the blocking and set

Seth was better at combatting her lies than I ever see any actual newsreaders do.
I am impressed!

This guy seems invested in allowing guns in the classroom.

People told me I would like this show, and I was intrigued, but the moment that van with the kids went off the bridge, I was out; too intense for me.

Silver Lining: More work for Amy Hill (THE GREAT INDOORS) and Jessica Chaffin (MAN WITH A PLAN), two of my favorite comic actresses!

There's so many things to love about BETTER THINGS< but the two that get me the most are the musical cues and the art on Sam's walls. So much CARE went into those choices!

I had to just skip to the comments!
Its like the reviewer is voice texting the reviews in traffic.

The way Phil struggled with the luggage and Sam didn't offer to help seemed like an echo of a scene from an earlier episode where Sam ridiculed the teenage boy for not helping as she & max struggled with the groceries.