Crazy Gibberish

Not really.  It wasn't as spectacular as I thought it would be.  He just kind of goes rigid for a minute and then falls over smoking.  Heaven knows it snapped a tether and killed a coolie, it did!

But what of Chinese democracy?

How To Butcher People And Get Away With It Like Dexter, rated PG-13.  Coming this Christmas.


If he rolled down the stairs in a garbage can right to my feet, I think I would have to laugh.  Thanks Bully, now this fact of life makes me the bad guy.

Those Milk Council people got to you too, didn't they??

And so @avclub-f079b53bcfcde2c125cc74ced47bfbcd:disqus tore his rotator cuff high fiving everyone long into the night.  The End.

People who don't are stupid.

Don't forget Loser! Wait, actually, no, do that.

There's a difference between "conveniently forgetting" and "if I believe that for even a second, I might as well walk into traffic".

Come with me if you want to live… after getting cancer.

I completely agree with you @avclub-740bc18f68a7140f7e82b025080d8c28:disqus .  It reminds of Bill Maher talking about all the people, politically correct hipstery types especially, that never contribute anything of value to society standing up against BAD PEOPLE.

We'll see how that goes given how many sensitive types are calling him a douche this week.

But his "improv" is just stumbling over things and falling over.  That's hackier than most improv which is an incredible achievement.

Nope, but they did greenlight the Man Of The House sequel Old Man Of The House instead to catch a ride on some this Chasemania.

Sitsoms are too good for him.  At the end of the Huffington Post interview, he keeps indignantly insisting "I'm funny, I know I am.  I'm funnier than all of you and this pitiful show you love".  Then he goes about "proving it" by pretending to die in his chair after the interviewer asks "what would be a funny way for

I don't really get my hopes up about this kind of thing anymore.  I think us geeks perpetuate our own baseless hype too much.  When everyone involved just kind of mumbles "oh yea, sure, whatever, some day, if we can get the money" I stop Believing.

Admit that the cover of Ghoulies freaked you out when you passed by it in Blockbuster.

Plastic surgery isn't so kind either.  She would have cleaned up just fine if she got her act together, but then she goes all flesh mask and doesn't look like herself.  I was hoping she would be Mean Girls pretty again someday.

I would have liked to have seen this particular show.  Throwing the soda in the kids face because he won't eat dog food is something I would need to see to fully appreciate it.  I'd just like to take all that in in the proper venue, preferably while constantly pressing one of those loud fart noise keychains.  I