Crazy Gibberish

Laughing at him?  I never stopped.  Laughing at his jokes?  That's a whole different story.

Ann Coulter is a comedian the same way Rush Limbaugh is a comedian.  In that they're both hateful, regressive ideologues that aren't comedians or even funny.

Here's how it should happen:

Oo!  Oo!  And cross dressing Tim Allen! And Mexican stereotypes! And Whitney Cummings!  We can call it You Asked For It, America!

Ed Helms was on Real Time last week, and I squirmed in my seat as Maher gushed over him about how "the show hasn't missed a beat" and "the only other show to continue as successfully after the departure of a major character is M*AS*H*".  I was like "oh Bill, I had so much respect for you.  I can't believe this is what

But the Crocoduck phase for the fetus still begins around 5 months, correct?

Yea, but do you want a Firefly that looks worse than the old Lost In Space?  Where the production is so sparse it looks like a Dogme '95 film?  I think Arrested will just barely pull off a Netflix transition, if only because we'd follow these characters to the ends of the Earth even if the whole season is set on a

I'll never get used to seeing Tom Lennon and Robert Ben Garant.

Don't you have a moon colony to start?  Is the Pinkberry up there yet?

Motherfucking Tim and Eric, where did you go?..

You know, I felt the same way.  Normally Tim and Eric bug the shit out of me because why would you go to two jackasses imitating public access instead of just watching public access?

God knows they're in short supply around here, right?

Look, this is the AV Club.  We all think you should dip into your trust fund to pay for HBOGo just for Eastbound & Down instead of pirating it.  That's just how we are.  We like to get really self-righteous and politically correct over it, ok?  Just go with us this, it's the Christlike thing to do.

Yea, can I get some food delivered? And I'm gonna need someone to feed it to me.  No, I'll be in the tub.  Key is under the mat.  Chip chop chip.

I predict that another Tim & Eric article can only turn out the most reasonable, even handed discussion of their work in the comments this site has ever seen.

Piracy discussions, without a doubt, are the most pointless wheel spinning articles on this site.  Look at this drivel.  @avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus nailed it and everyone pretended he didn't say anything so they could drone on with their sanctimonious, self-righteous "just pay for it even if it's

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus It makes me nuts that Lynch has so thoroughly renounced the film.  I have a feeling the restored 5 or 6 hour version with the intact plot from the book is as good an adaptation as we'll ever get.

But if we don't talk about them, how will we ever develop a proactive coping mechanism for Fock You All, You Focking Focks, coming this summer??

Ten bucks says that his Rusty has some sort of obnoxious puppet that he irritates everyone in the back seat with.

Notice how they arbitrarily lowered the number of nominees from an even 10 to an awkward 9 just so they didn't have to nominate Drive or The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?  Stay classy, Academy.