Crazy Gibberish

And that anime sequence in the middle was stunning.

And the winner is Boner Surgery, for What Is This I Don't Even.

Drive, most likely.  And it deserves it.

Like the big girls, eh?

Uh oh, is @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus trying to convince people marriage is like kissing God every second of every day because you somehow found your soul mate within 10 miles of your house instead of, you know, among the other 7 billion people in the world?

We both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, damn it!

I think you wanted to use a long string of Y's, not T's.  Like Larry David's "prettyyyyyyy prettyyyyyyy good".  Or no?  Do the T's work too?

You're thinking of Free Willy.  It's a common mistake.

@avclub-d249c3f561646f3799e817e8c937921c:disqus I didn't have a tone.  Those were all the charges against the show that were laid out by Abrams and others before Cross himself jumped in.  I saw that you had written a very long post deconstructing Abrams' points that was very similar to the longwinded breakdowns of

@avclub-a4a39c4db5fb41fa79f1619da9a1be57:disqus You're absolutely right about It Happened One Night, but the others you mentioned in the edit are considered dramas by the Academy, they just have a lot of humorous elements to them.  Forrest Gump is a flat-out drama that has a bunch of lame jokes that attempt to break

Of course it's true.  I really don't think anyone was fooled when this happened just days after SOPA was delayed.


Her sink-shit is going to be characterized as "brave", I just know it.

Don't forget fat people! They can't stop eating!

Remember when one of the ladies was puking and then the other lady ran in and puked on her instead of in the toilet?  And then the other one shit in a sink next to their heads?  My Oscar winning screenplay is going to be "Twisted Life", about a man with a twisted stomach who constantly pukes, farts and shits himself.

Come on, at least this will always be the year Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig and the fat lady that took a dump in the sink got Oscar nominations.  There's that.  Maybe they'll show the clip of her taking a dump when they announce her name!

Do you like Head Movies about how the whole of your consciousness and accrued experience is but a grain of sand in the Universal Hour Glass?  Do you still need to learn how to appreciate "the grand scheme of things" because you were incredibly emotionally and spiritually stunted well into your douchey, detached

@avclub-d249c3f561646f3799e817e8c937921c:disqus So, like Todd Margaret for example.  There are some people who enjoy it, and some people who find it meandering, half-assed, irritating and inconsistent.  I guess we'll all just have to agree to disagree and never again lay out page long diatribes about why the other

Well, we do have a Woody Allen film up there again.  "Annie Hall", as everyone remembers, is the only comedy to ever win Best Picture.  Even though "Manhattan" was the better film.  But anyway, those are the kinds of comedies that win Best Picture.  Comedies that are more exploratory and "real".

Her? Really?