Crazy Gibberish

Oh, stop fucking pretending that all that La Molecule shit was front and center and so easily recalled.  It's mentioned offhand in such a way that doesn't bare remembering.  It sounds like a lame joke about what a place that serves that asinine food would be called and nothing more.

Five Or Six Dudes Jump Out Of Nowhere And Just Start Whaling On This One Guy.

@avclub-b10ec5bd6b2d491d3a1fb43631adf750:disqus But what about when colloquial meanings of words replace or supplant their original meaning on a larger scale?  "Retard" has obviously become synonymous with "fool" or "idiot", but that also comes with the understanding that any decent person wouldn't refer to a mentally

Let's pretend words are not part of the language!  It will make us look more progressive and enlightened!

Everyone here is so fucking old and married and smug about it like those are things to be proud of.  Go be old and married and smug somewhere else.


Can we chainsaw-fuck it?

You basically have to make "United 93" or pack your shit up and go home.

He has been identified as wearing one red shoe.

You're just jealous.

If you're the one drinking, shouldn't you just be Peter O'Toole?  And your gimmick could just be that he drinks a lot?  I never heard that, but it sounds like it might be true.

Isn't this a Heathers reference?  I thought he was riffing on "fuck me gently with a chainsaw" which would have been relevant and topical in 1989.

I imagine this is as funny as a "massage weekend" with Dane Cook gets.

It was called "Club Dread" and it sucked.

Next Dane Cook show at The Laugh Factory:


He was very critical of that particular whore indeed!

No, they're like "Oh Dane, why do you always lie so much?  You always have to be the big bully, don't you?  Always puffing your chest and putting down others to bring yourself up.  Where did we go wrong, Dane?  So horribly, horribly wrong…"

I imagine Cook would be naked the majority of the time.  I also imagine him as someone over-confident enough to be "comfortable" with his nudity.  My guess is you're getting a three-way "happy ending".

Because I don't do drugs.  Unless of course, you do drugs, in which case I do drugs.  Lots of drugs.