Crazy Gibberish

This is officially where I started picturing The AV Club as the frat in Animal House raiding a massage parlor.

It's free, right?!

This thread is interesting because everyone in it seems to be coming from a place of having heard about the Ricahrds incident secondhand.  I thought from day one that he was shouting "he's a n*****!"(thanks super-PC hipsters at AVC) because the black guy was heckling him so he could look like a badass.

College Favorite.

Chainsaw-fuck his butt.

Somebody didn't read the "Dane Cook is donkey dicks" article in the Most Read column.

I don't get why people weren't this angry over Ashley Simpson.  She danced a stupid gig while her fake vocals started playing without her.  That shit made me a lot angrier than some boring, monotone newcomer.  Rey's performance was exceptionally poor, however.

Because pop culture is so saturated by non-talent foisted on us by corporate media like Kei$ha.  She has a dollar sign in her name and not a speck of talent.  Lana Del Rey is just another in a long line of flash-in-the-pan young female celebrities that are hiding behind charges of sexism when

@avclub-2da02ef9dd0d2138f3f11948e1b692ac:disqus can't legally be an asshole because his name is a Wizard People reference.  This is the Law, after all.

Good Lord, man.  How often do you get to bust this out outside of the Larry Sanders write ups?  Lucky you.

What would be the point?  We've already heard all of his childish, dismissive rebuffs of the pissed off fans.  He would be looming over some nerd like in Scared Straight, barking about how they're "his films" and the fans need to "grow up".  There won't be anything remotely interesting like an articulate explanation

Pretty much the same thing here, except I thought the tree scene was an intentionally silly homage to the jeep falling off the cliff in Raiders.

What I'll never understand is why "aliens are stupid".  Was it Ancient Aliens that suddenly made even the concept of extraterrestrials stupid and lame?  You know what has a fuckton of stupid, lame looking aliens?  The original Star Wars trilogy.

Can you imagine how impossibly stupid that would have been?  Instead of "the movie that pretty much defined our collective childhood", it would be "that fucking weird, stupid movie where Teenwolf travels through time in a refrigerator".  Even if everything else was the same.

She was working at a toll booth, thank you.


Please just look up the Despecialized Editions.  A fan restored the entire original trilogy from 3 different high definition sources.  They look absolutely perfect with all of Lucas's additions removed, no matter how tiny.  They've effectively replaced any other edition as far as I'm concerned.

I'd imagine nerds would return to despising him after a brief, we're talking 5 - 10 minutes brief, period of romantic nostalgia.  If he dies without releasing restored versions of the original trilogy on blu ray, that's all he'll be remembered for.

Oh come on, @avclub-1f16c9d235a98488dff2040cd0c3e7e2:disqus .  You have the bra on your head and you didn't go with "OH YOU'LL PAY. DON'T THINK YOU WON'T PAY"?  For shame.

Are the other gimmicks jealous of this gimmick and they're trying to stifle it?  Is that what's happening now?  The Great Gimmick War?  The War Of Northern Gimmick Aggression?  Gimmick against gimmick over a tattered Fluttershy flag?