Crazy Gibberish

Hey Vern, it's the critic who doesn't appreciate our capering!  After his fucking ass!

Usenet with SSL.

The biggest perception that changed for me after this piece was my view of what went down on the BTTF sequels.  I love all three films with a mighty passion, and I completely believed Bob Gale's bullshit that shows up in the "making of" book and in recent interviews.  I had this impression of Glover as a crazy

And since you already posted this, I'll share the ongoing saga of "David Lynch And Crispin Glover's Big Blockbuster".

Everyone should be watching this on loop all day.  Everyone.


Well, at least someone has the courage to point out that both Janis Joplin and Adele are fat.

Thank you, @avclub-7208b560dcd4b65a8ff76e20b4b9fcec:disqus . Now I can say "Adele is mediocre" and not have to go into any further detail.

And yes, @avclub-d722130ef5aa1f87827d536d59423aa0:disqus , that would be possible if 30 Rock was good and worth liking.

Or you're just proud of liking a shitty show that fell off the rails years ago.  No need to read too deeply here.

Yea, it could actually be Lohan in Curtis's body hocking Poopy Yogurt and we'd be none the wiser.

MST3K is never too obscure.  Shame on you.

Because new-age Bong Tech saves your throat.  Also, I think joints are much more "hippiesh"(hippie-ish or hip-eesh?).  Didn't hippies help make the term "joint" mainstream after it was coined in the late 30's?

He's fashioned a paper cup hat for fruit, apparently.


Why can't we have a really hysterical race this year instead of the demoralizing clusterfuck we get every 4 years?  Bring back that Rent Is Too Damn High clown.  No seriously, he reminds me of an actual rodeo clown.  Especially the handlebar mustache.

Tonight on "Ron Paul: Sexy Action Doctor", is it diagnosis: murder?  Nope! He just let someone die because they weren't insured.  Oh well!  You want saving lives, take it to those Grey's Anatomy clowns.  We're real salt of the earth folks here at Dr. Ron's.

@avclub-ee7135cf8de13d05a923cf9e3a2de1f1:disqus , I've come from precisely 1 week in the future to inform you that you stink and your opinion is garbage.

Chicken pot- chicken pot- Chicken Pot Pie!

Executive: "Get on your fucking knees, shine my shoes and then fucking blow me, you tool!"