Crazy Gibberish

Right.  We just assumed he asphyxiated on whatever that goop holding him to the ceiling was, but we never knew for sure.  It just looked gross, but no one ever said he was dead.

They make a good case that at least one of the TNG films was fantastic (First Contact) and that even their worst (Nemesis) aren't as bad as the prequels.  I think that's true.  Star Trek only dropped the ball that badly on Final Frontier, which was briefly mocked and then wisely forgotten.

You wrote this in advance.

Shitter's full.

Yes.  Preferably wiff a belt.

You forgot when he blows Gary Marshall's fingers off.

I'm a 28 year old cell phone enthusiast.

When I first started studying law, Law & Order started to seem a lot more like a super-conservative daydream than actual law.  My mother watches it every goddamn day and if it's on when I visit her, I try to talk about other things instead of "what?! They literally just broke the law to obtain that confession and

There's this big dynamo that keeps spinning and whirring near my editing room but no one seems to pay any attention to it or know what it does.  One day, I kick the dynamo off its perch and the Earth suddenly stops spinning on its axis, sending everyone hurtling into space.

On top of his "Banks got bailed out / I'm the rapist" protest sign.

But what about Batman?

Yet they post both that and the N word (look what I'm reduced to) because they're doing for "educational" or "informative" purposes.  Like some celebrity calling someone the N word.  And their "reporting" it is somehow less offensive than just saying it.

Stereotypes are cheap, lazy and hacky just like Rob Schneider.

I think I laughed the second time they cut to him and he goes "oh no! We suck now!"

I think the only time I ever laughed at Schneider's shit was in fucking Grandma's Boy where he smashes their bong and goes "forgot smoking lamp.  Was it expensive piece?".  That whole movie is such a black hole for laughs, I was grateful for the one half-hearted "heh-heh".

This is the only fitting response to the trailer.

It gets better.


There's four of them right there, duh.

You guys remember Community?  Made us all believe again?