Crazy Gibberish

Last Man Standing, duh.

Best gimmick in a while.

Bella Lugosi's brother: Shemp Lugosi.

Loose pants have less utility and waste precious denim resources.

OK fine, powerful women secretly like rape while they slog through this exhausting inner monologue that rationalizes rape by conceding the dominance and power of their lover over them.  There, happy?

When it comes down to it, Objectivism denies basic tenets of human nature.  When you ask an Objectivist "how would society not crumble without those safety nets?", they honest to God believe "because the abolishing of those programs would encourage all those lazy people to support themselves".  They're incapable of

"Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" and "WAX: Or The Discovery Of Television Among the Bees".

Who thinks it's in favor of objectivism?  That's so asinine.  The whole game is about how those ideals led to chaos and mutants running around their dingy former paradise killing each other with hand lightning.  The most exciting parts involve the area you're in about to collapse because it's all just falling apart.

The War On Christmas and Muppet Communists are so intensely fucking funny.  I'm sure Colbert was like "shit! They're making me look bad! How am I going to top that??"

That is Part 3…

@avclub-3a9defcf0e5f813da31acdc88a0a9c6b:disqus , this is what I always thought was the greatest logical fallacy in Objectivism.  It puts forward that altruistic aspects of human nature should be ignored for the greater good, but it also ignores the other side of human nature that fucks people over when no one's

You're one to talk, @avclub-83dd0532c63f346e9c7cab0136732874:disqus .  At least they weren't raped and then getting their faces blown off with 12 gauges.

Is this Morse Code?  Guys!  He's trying to tell us something…

I have, @avclub-8a7e64a3f187804c9ee1dec13090b975:disqus .  It took about a week where four of us played in the evenings after work and set the board on the closed porch overnight.  It was not worth it, and probably the worst gaming experience of my life.

"He apparently posted about his crime on an internet message board," Detective Calhoon said.  "We caught him in about twenty minutes flat."

GARGH! It burns like a Glasgow bikini wax!  GAAHG!

I should have known Jack & Jill's reception changed nothing.  Fuck you, Sandler.  Try giving a shit for a change.

Yea, but with the worst news in the history of forever.  Was it worth it?  WAS IT??

You're still trumped by Windermere Hanken, the Mayor of Television, so don't get cocky.

How did it take this long for this joke to show up?  How??