Crazy Gibberish

I'd like to put a full page in your yearbook.  Two words-

No, it's really not.

Don't bother, @avclub-ce6c92303f38d297e263c7180f03d402:disqus .  These old fart cynics will poke holes in anything with a healthy, functional sentiment.

But they're both so self-consciously cheap and silly.  Super 8 wasn't trying for that so there's no real comparison other than there being a monster involved.

So Freaked and Tremors over Super 8.  Got it.

Something only mildly improbable happened at the movies?  AT THE FUCKING MOVIES??  I am shocked, sir!  Shocked!

I'm really proud of my enchanted Ebony Warhammer that does 70 base damage plus 20 fire damage.  Please don't tell Archmage I'm this big of a nerd.

Super 8 was excellent, contrary to what a certain someone possibly a few posts beneath mine has to say.

What's going on here today?  Was the real commentariat replaced by Venusian replicants or Lobsters clones?  Shitting on Super 8 and now comparing Community to FRIEDBERG/SELTZER??  You're a monster.

You're wrong.

Right.  Because Star Trek fans are so estute and dignified.

Why is there no hole in this wall?

You just post an awful lot lately.

But @avclub-446ab634ae06de2b62f2b38bdbe05a58:disqus , then why bother giving her her own sitcom if she's not going to employ the sensibilities that made her a star to begin with?  She's an irascible Jewess who says really "edgy", insensitive things.  That's her whole shtick.  If it's neutered, who cares?

Holy fuck, it's going to be so depressing when the show just implodes in its awfulness and all the actors are forced into that one shot of making it on their own ala The Michael Richards Show.  "Coming up next, Rainn Wilson in That's Our Dwight!"

Uuuuuuuuuuuh… WHITNEY!

You're assuming she was "invited" and didn't have her publicists muscle her on so she could get free face time with the 18-25 demo.

What are you two laughing at?  And if you say Jimmy Fallon, I'll know you're lying…

Yep.  Next week Rick Perry will be on and they'll play Anal Cunt's "I Noticed That You're Gay".

Exactly.  MTV shows should just be assumed to be intolerable in general and forgotten about.