Crazy Gibberish

He spelled "neighborhood" with a U, he's a Brit!  Get him!


To be fair, James Earl Jones says that, not Christensen.

The Pulitzer for Excellence in the Field of Bullshit.

"Remember in Willy Wonka how there was that Slugwit motherfucker?  Well, ya see, Obama is like the Slugwit; stealin' all the candy and lookin' all fucked up. To a lesser extent, Satan." - Palin Guy

It's LEAVE, you idiot!  "Make like a tree, and LEAVE"!  You sound like damn fool when you say it wrong!

When is Emperor Nabin going to step down from his ivory tower and admit the whole fucking SYSTEM is a flop, man?!

There's a politically active group of people that Jesus would side with in a nano-second but I shant reveal them for fear of having sanctimonious sermons lobbed at me by the rich, deluded old farts that populate these boards.  Seriously, there would be pages and pages of TL;DR proselytizing and outmoded

Who will also be played by Hayden Christensen in the movie; Pierced Soul

They do that occasionally, when they're interviewing someone like Jon Stewart for example.  They'll admimt something like "well, of course we're commentators, everyone implicitly understand that" and Stewart has to yell "no!  No, they don't!  You're never clear about that!" and then they don't speak of it again.

Pluppets are little people that can talk.  And they are NOT NICE.

Come on, you got to give him credit for having the chutzpah to do that.  Now everyone's doing it.

You hush.  Gillian Anderson was in it.

Based on what?  What has he done to earn your trust?  How can you even be certain as to the level of his involvement all these years?  Judging from the early reception, it was probably a good thing Oz declined to be involved.  I don't think he gets it anymore. He obviously thinks of the Muppets as this saccharine,

Oh princess fair, wilst thou give me thine dainty hoof in marriage?

I hope DENTAL PLAN shows up to put you in your place.

I get the feeling that Phipps just couldn't bring himself to be a dick about it.  He sat there squirming in his theater seat muttering "I am SO going to give this a C+ just to fuck with everybody…" but then it was just too awesome and he had to bump it up a notch.

She's a GD B.

Surely there's a wide selection of applicable Anal Cunt songs.

I honestly thought that show was going to be a million dollar bills thrown onto a hardwood floor and a bunch of idiots scrambling to scoop the most up.