Sadako Yamamura

You are an idiot.

Firstly, let's be clear about this: you are changing the subject. The crimes of ISIS or Assad or anyone else in no way justify those of the Israeli government and IDF.

Ok, here's my opinion of Jews: they are collectively no better and no worse than anyone else, and I'll judge them individually by the views they express and by their actions, same as any one else.

"the subhuman filth"

Yeah, you wish. Again, I have not said one thing against Jews, either here or anywhere else, and am not going to… because I do not have the slightest problem with Jews, not being a racist fuckwit. What I do have a problem with is war criminals and mass-murderers, particularly those armed and backed by my own

How does Israel deal with people who object to it's war crimes? How will it deal with them in the future?

How does Israel deal with people who object to it's war crimes? How will it deal with them in the future?

You want to justify the deliberate bombing of schools, hospitals, mosques, and homes while simultaneously accusing others of terrorism?

Well, no, they're not. Within any major religion there are huge variations of interpretation and emphasis. I say that as an atheist, by the way.

Let me make this clear to you: NOTHING justifies the bombing of schools full of refugees. NOTHING. Hamas is not somehow magically responsible for the deliberate actions of the IDF.

Certainly. Same as there's always a lot of good, interesting music if you go looking for it.

You're the one explicitly justifying terrorism, IE: the deliberate use of violence against civilians, including the bombing of schools, hospitals, and mosques.

So you'd rather discuss hypothetical situations than reality?

You want to talk about things Hamas have WRITTEN rather than things Israel is DOING. Do you understand the distinction?

Show one valid example of anti-semitism. Go on. Certainly, I have not said a single word against Jews, either here or anywhere, ever.

That makes absolutely no sense.

On another note, fuck any ignorant asshole who uses autistic as an insult. You are very, very ignorant and stupid, and not just in relation to Israel and Palestine.

You understand the concept of war crimes and crimes against humanity?

Also, I note you don't challenge anything I actually said, because it's all factually accurate and the actions of the Israeli government and military are morally and rationally indefensible. THEY BOMB SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS.

A 'democracy' in which protesters are violently attacked and in which government politicians are wanting to ban tv stations and political parties that disagree with them.