Sadako Yamamura

The idea of Hamas "conquering Israel" is, regardless of your or my own political views, a complete fantasy. It is not realistically possible.

A few basic facts:

Silly Morrissey. American presidents don't get tried for war crimes. They're much too powerful.

I'd ask him why he wasn't in Dawn… of the Apes. Wherefore art thou, Franco?

Well, you'd better take it back and heat it up then, hadn't you? Chop, chop!

But is it steaming hot?

That makes no fucking sense at all. Keep it up.

Honestly, there isn't enough politics in music. Music is a vital part of culture, and politics is an unavoidable part of life. Why then should music have nothing to say about politics? The problem is if it's really stupid, but that goes equally for film and books or any other media.

Nah, you we're making a valid point.


This is the start of a beautiful friendship, I just know it!

Yes, but Eradicator was probably referring to her sister, Pola.

I thought Kinski made a really good vampire, being sort of pitiful but also repulsive, creepy, and genuinely dangerous.

A lot of love songs are like that though. For example, here's Adele:

Please do. Or at least confine it to like a week or two. And for the love of Christ, do something about the music.

About how, as a young child, The Kinks trudged through a post-apocalyptic wasteland with their dying father?

A fair point well made.

There's an old Jewish saying: If I do not like my comments, who will?

Adam Ant does not fear your ridicule!

Sir, I contend that you are wrong and moreover that you are a scoundrel and an ignoramus.