Sadako Yamamura

History doesn't have enough lunacy?

To be fair, I think he has.

Because \m/ ?

No, he was a dick then, and he's a dick now.

Fewer guns is nice, though!

You should see the similarly euphemistic 'Glasgow headbutt'

Meanwhile, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and the whole of Scotland already had Frankie Boyle and Irvine Welsh to make us look shit.

Firstly, Islam is apparently the world's second biggest religion, after Christianity, so really any generalisation about Muslims is probably false. Secondly, given the events of the last few decades (or centuries) and continuing right now, Muslims have good reason to feel that they are, collectively, under attack,

Obviously I was referring to him as a troll in the internet sense. I assume you're joking, but just in case.

The "brilliance" is that he's a troll who happens to have enough money to make a movie of his trolling?

With regards to the Romanians, that seems pretty despicable. SBC & the film makers could no doubt have afforded to pay them a decent wage and properly explain to them what the film was doing.

If you're gonna shoplift, you might as well go somewhere expensive.

I thought it was filmed in Glasgow (which isn't really the middle of nowhere, at least in a Scottish or British context)?

It is?! Aw shit!

"What if Hitler got the Atomic bomb first?"

Occupation is their occupation, you might say.

If only you'd told them what they should have been writing at the time, and perhaps enlightened them with your superior political insight. Alas, now it is too late: the lyrical genius of MTM will forever go unrecognised and the masses remain deprived of the mighty sword that is MTM-Thought.

No, but his reasons are really stupid

The responsible, mature thing to do is not give a fuck! Or if you absolutely must have an interest in politics, slavishly support a party that represents neither your material interests or your views.

I genuinely do not understand this attitude that politics, or for that matter religion, shouldn't be discussed in music. And surely "general FU types songs" are precisely the worst kind of simplistic politics that you're all complaining about? That said, it should be obvious that a 4 minute song is not going to