Sadako Yamamura

Well, Farage is certainly a fan of the Big Lie, as advocated by Hitler and Goebbels. For example his claim that the only REAL racism in Britain today is against white English people. The evidence: Nigel Farage is not very popular in Scotland.

Regarding the Nick Griffin interview, bear in mind that this is a more or less open Nazi being interviewed by someone clearly more used to talking to boy bands, and having his comments about "hanging Paki criminals" repeatedly broadcast throughout the afternoon in between the top 40 pop songs and lightweight DJ

"It's so hard to imagine a network putting that kind of blatant hate speech on."

What Hitler most admired about Turkey was committing genocide and getting away with it: "who today speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians?" as he said in 1939.

So either you liked Sweet Dreams and Tainted Love or they weren't on a soundtrack?

I thought Heart Shaped Box was an excellent ghost story… in places. As for "trying to be cool", no more so than I would have expected from a novel that takes it's name from a Nirvana song. 20th Century Ghosts was generally really good as well.Horns, while not bad, was a step down from Hill's previous two books.

Shit, I'd forgotten all about Crazytown- the band that make Limp Bizkit look good by comparison

Alright, if it makes you happy. I'm a person, so here goes:

Yeah, 'Deer Dance' from 'Toxicity' has always really reminded me of Dead Kennedys.

I'm sorry, but please do not talk ignorantly about Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

For fuck's sake, don't immediately associate being an arsehole with being autistic.

Did you often find occasion to use "nonplussed"?

What kind of monster are you?!

I don't think they are using "white" as a pejorative. If they're noting an under-representation of non-white characters/actors, particularly in leading roles, that's a valid point to make and is completely relevant to their discussion of tv and film.

To be fair, I think there's a big difference between "some-white-dude" and Bruce Campbell.

Nah, it would probably be on Syfy and get canceled to make more shark movies

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Nothing else in the world smells like dead tree. Smells like…. literature.

Is this a beef?

Israel should remove the beam from it's own eye before complaining of the mote in that of the Palestinians.