Sadako Yamamura

Sometimes in the same song, or even the same line.

Firstly, the meaning of that line seems pretty obvious to me: a reference to racism within the police force, and maybe military and other government agencies.

Better late than never, dude!

Hey, there's something seriously wrong with me but that doesn't mean I have some kind of weird hedgehog fetish. THAT would be really weird.

I admire your committment.

And I'll nut your gums! Which if you've read the books, you'll know I can do.

Has she even seen (or read) Romeo and Juliet right to the end?! They both die, Taylor, they both die!

If by "stitching" you mean "song writing, so that her songs aren't incredibly tedious to hear every day at work" then I fully agree.

To equate mentioning their wealth to jealousy is just as much of a fallacy. I have a problem with being ruled by literal aristocrats and millionaires; that doesn't mean I want to be one.

To be fair, Billy Joe Armstrong has said that the song isn't actually about the "war on terror" but was a reaction to 'Sweet Home Alabama'.

You leave Courtney alone. [weeps hysterically] Seriously, what HAS she done to deserve the level of abuse she gets from strangers?

Yeah, it's not like she's a murderer. Not like some people, eh? Eh?

Yeah, I've met people who say they "love" that song but don't recognise, let alone agree with, RATM's explicitly stated (in every song) politics. Some people just ignore lyrics completely. That's not RATM's fault.

It very obviously refers to institutional racism. ENGLISH, MONTYPARK, DO YOU SPEAK IT?

Disagree with them all you want, but RATM sure as hell weren't trying to be fashionable by talking politics in virtually every song. Zach de la Rocha knows what he's talking about and his lyrics are often very sharply expressed. There is nothing "shallow" about it. Again, if you don't share his interpretation, that's

You're deeply offended, disgusted to the point of vomiting even, at someone saying they were offended?

Kurt Cobain was bisexual?! Freddie Mercury was bisexual?! Shit, you're right.

Truly, wolves started the fight for survival, and now they want to quit because they're losing? Well, I say: hard cheese!

Sapphires, lot's of them