Sadako Yamamura

The AV Club
"A goofy team of oddball and misfit creatures"

On the contrary, he has aged really well. He's much older than he used to be.

Iggy Pop is clearly a legume. Clearly.

We've been waiting for you.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Alright, Sadako, keep it together, stay calm. 6 hours and 15 minutes. It's not that long.

Oh, well, there's still vodka

Don't worry about it; you already are. We're all on a list. All of us.

If losing is winning, England still loses… to the Scots! 'Mon Scotland! (Did we even qualify?)

See Steven Tyler & Liv Tyler

Better a 'chav' than the kind of person who refers to people as chavs.

High school science teachers- "Wait, wait, I still don't get it- HOW DO FUCKING MAGNETS WORK?"

Bernadette is the… blonde one, right?

Wait a minute….. that isn't Refused! Sweden has more than 1 band?

You, sir, are a true American hero. I look forward to your tv show.

We haven't all been through the "nerdface" argument enough times already? Being mocked for your excessive love of Star Trek does not equate with centuries of racist oppression (slavery, segregation, institutional racism….)

You are so blind! You so do not understand! You weren't there at the beginning. You don't know how good it was, how important. People like you make me sick! What's wrong with you?!


Oh, AV Club, you had me at "Finnish".

I prefer 'Complaining About How the Simpsons Isn't as Good as It Once Was' Classic. Seasons 3-7 were the golden age.