Sadako Yamamura

The Mangler was just silly, like King wrote it for a bet or something. Most of the other stories are good though.

You tell 'em, Twilight Sparkle, you tell 'em!

It's a universal commodity exchangeable for all other commodities thus giving them a numerical value in relation to each other.

Just get yourself a pickaxe and a shovel and head down to the data mines in Californ-I-A, son! There's imaginary wealth in them thar internets.

Cookie monster! I hear you're now promoting Nazism.

Bad teeth is more a poor thing than a British thing because dentistry is expensive.

Yeah, I'll defend Stephen King at his best to the death, but that's not one of his better stories. If it succeeds at all it's by being just plain weird, rather than actually good.

Hey, at least it wasn't Cell (terrible novel) or Riding the Bullet (terrible film)

There's nothing in the woodshed…. except maybe some wood

I will never forgive World War Z for filming in George Square, Glasgow, and not inviting me to be an extra. I would make a fucking excellent zombie. Also, the book sucks.

The more I learn about this Hitler fellow, the less I care for him!

I'm not sure what you mean. I personally (and with a diagnosed ASD) am not offended by TBBT. I just think it would be at least more legitimate than "nerd-face", which is just ridiculous (I say that as someone who probably meets all the criteria for both nerd & geek). The show does kind of interest me, partly because…

"Will playing computer games turn you into a genius and sex magnet?"

'First Person Shooter' is by far the worst of the 181 episodes and 1 movie of the X-Files I've seen. It's badness is rivaled only by 'Black Market' on Battlestar Galactica.

Ok, definitely.

It's a shame you're getting rid of TV Club Classic since it's probably the best thing on the site

"Mulder: I know I should be afraid, but I'm not.

I don't know if this is more of an American thing, but I really don't get the importance attached to being a geek/nerd? Like it matters? At all?

He really blatantly is ASD, albeit a sit-com version of it. I understand why they've avoided identifying him as such, but I don't buy that the resemblance is some kind of unintentional coincidence.

9/11 'truth' conspiracy theories are exactly what I'm talking about: a complete distraction from what is really going on. Were the Bush administration directly involved in 9/11? It seems highly unlikely. Did they exploit it to carry out their pre-existing foreign policy objectives? Certainly.