Sadako Yamamura

The other thing about conspiracy theories is that they, ironically enough, are a distraction from what's really going on. Like if you mention the established facts of the CIA's history of attempting to undermine and overthrow left-wing governments you get classed alongside David Icke.

How so? (genuine question)

Wasn't it Kruschev/the USSR backing down that averted further escalation, and potentially nuclear war? The US, after all, did not remove its nukes from Europe.

It's just raining on my face….. I'm not cryin'…. SOB!

Who are you?


So that's why Mamiya kept saying "who are you?" to him!

Like that time at the UN?

Garth Marenghi was an author, visionary, dream-weaver, and actor but not Jesus Christ. We need to recognise that now. He's gone!


How any sane person, regardless of their politics in every other respect, can justify nuclear weapons either rationally or morally has always been a mystery to me. Best case scenario: totally useless and an incredible waste of money and resources. Worst case scenario: the totally indiscriminate slaughter of millions

The Simpsons, old or new, > anything involving Seth McFarlane

Having been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome myself and thus learned a bit about it, I'd completely agree with her. Sheldon's character is very clearly based on Asperger's or 'High Functioning' Autism (the difference is pretty arbitrary). Sure, he can be stereotypical, but he can also be a surprisingly accurate

It is prejudiced. In 'the West' Islam is routinely equated with terrorism despite the fact it's a religion with 1.5 billion+ adherents spread across much of the globe and thus inevitably has the same level of complexity and difference of interpretation and practice as, say, Christianity.