Major Major Major Major

Technically, it will still be his first term, since it will take place before Inauguration Day. But your point remains - he gets the blame.

Apparently Coach Taylor hasn't taken to Pennsylvania very well.

Apparently Coach Taylor hasn't taken to Pennsylvania very well.

Is the director from the Soviet Union?

Is the director from the Soviet Union?

Put a cork in it, Zane!

Put a cork in it, Zane!

Still faster than Congress.

Still faster than Congress.

No, but I do wonder about Ainsley.

No, but I do wonder about Ainsley.

To be fair, the previous three Christmas episodes were among the best episodes from their respective seasons (especially Bartlet for America and Noel). It's still an interesting enough episode, and leagues better than The Long Goodbye, which will shortly follow it. (No spoilers, just sorry in advance for any

To be fair, the previous three Christmas episodes were among the best episodes from their respective seasons (especially Bartlet for America and Noel). It's still an interesting enough episode, and leagues better than The Long Goodbye, which will shortly follow it. (No spoilers, just sorry in advance for any

#More Spoilers for Sure#
She is seen again after that line in one of the episodes that Toby is in California. She helps with the interns that Will is saddled with to write a speech. After that, she gets sent to Mandyville.

#More Spoilers for Sure#
She is seen again after that line in one of the episodes that Toby is in California. She helps with the interns that Will is saddled with to write a speech. After that, she gets sent to Mandyville.

More or less likely than Bartlet winning South Carolina?

More or less likely than Bartlet winning South Carolina?

Curse and spit.

Curse and spit.

It was. Toby drops the bomb on the rest of the Senior Staff and Josh, amazed, asks, "And they're yours?" After receiving confirmation, he plows ahead with the follow-up: "Both of them?"