Major Major Major Major

He's pretty awesome as Satan, too, but I understand why they don't bring that one back too often.

Ghost Remar: Now with exotic bird companion.

Ghost Remar: Now with exotic bird companion.

@avclub-1bf14669c84cfca7fdfb516b8301de00:disqus Entourage? Oh, god … why, Mr. President, why?

@avclub-1bf14669c84cfca7fdfb516b8301de00:disqus Entourage? Oh, god … why, Mr. President, why?

@avclub-5ad0e7f05de65edced4fba11e08dd95b:disqus The reasonable remnants of the Republican party should form their own political party. One with blackjack and hookers, let's say.

@avclub-5ad0e7f05de65edced4fba11e08dd95b:disqus The reasonable remnants of the Republican party should form their own political party. One with blackjack and hookers, let's say.

Bai Ling sure tried hard to make that statement false, though.

Bai Ling sure tried hard to make that statement false, though.

@avclub-a237448f8ffad5eb0f313e9908e804d1:disqus Much like Landry *FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS SPOILERS* murdering some dude, I'm hoping this one has just been chalked up as an "Oops!" in the writers' room and is completely discarded and disregarded.

@avclub-a237448f8ffad5eb0f313e9908e804d1:disqus Much like Landry *FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS SPOILERS* murdering some dude, I'm hoping this one has just been chalked up as an "Oops!" in the writers' room and is completely discarded and disregarded.

If there's a God, the answer is definitely yes. So … probably not?

If there's a God, the answer is definitely yes. So … probably not?

Maybe killing his brother at the end of season 1 sent him into an emotional, hazy dream state.

Maybe killing his brother at the end of season 1 sent him into an emotional, hazy dream state.

Have they ever come out and said which political party the administration and Brody belong to? Because if that little shit Dana ragged on isn't the president/CEO of his Young Republicans club, then I'm Neil Armstrong. (Hint: I'm not Neil Armstrong.)

Have they ever come out and said which political party the administration and Brody belong to? Because if that little shit Dana ragged on isn't the president/CEO of his Young Republicans club, then I'm Neil Armstrong. (Hint: I'm not Neil Armstrong.)

It's also one of the few times I liked Will Bailey. Season 5 Will takes a dramatic turn into Doucheville.

It's also one of the few times I liked Will Bailey. Season 5 Will takes a dramatic turn into Doucheville.

Technically, it will still be his first term, since it will take place before Inauguration Day. But your point remains - he gets the blame.