Major Major Major Major

It was. Toby drops the bomb on the rest of the Senior Staff and Josh, amazed, asks, "And they're yours?" After receiving confirmation, he plows ahead with the follow-up: "Both of them?"

"Fish don't fry in the kitchen,
beans don't burn on the grill,
it took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that Hill."

"Fish don't fry in the kitchen,
beans don't burn on the grill,
it took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that Hill."

I'm okay with this. It's not like he's been using it, so they might as well get some mileage out of it.

I'm okay with this. It's not like he's been using it, so they might as well get some mileage out of it.

This made me picture some snot-nosed little brat pushing up his glasses and saying, "Um, where's South Sudan?"

This made me picture some snot-nosed little brat pushing up his glasses and saying, "Um, where's South Sudan?"

I never really cared for Animaniacs when I was younger, because I felt it was just too zany (which was probably pretty stupid of me, since I loved Tiny Toon Adventures). Then I caught some reruns or saw someone's DVDs (can't remember which) when I was in college and realized how freaking incredible the show was - for

I never really cared for Animaniacs when I was younger, because I felt it was just too zany (which was probably pretty stupid of me, since I loved Tiny Toon Adventures). Then I caught some reruns or saw someone's DVDs (can't remember which) when I was in college and realized how freaking incredible the show was - for

The moment when I saw Dave Chappelle came up with a blind white supremacist (who, oh by the way, is black) is the moment I knew I wasn't anywhere near as funny as I thought I was, nor was the TV I was watching anywhere near as good as I thought it was. This show was like comedy puberty for me. Looking forward to these

The moment when I saw Dave Chappelle came up with a blind white supremacist (who, oh by the way, is black) is the moment I knew I wasn't anywhere near as funny as I thought I was, nor was the TV I was watching anywhere near as good as I thought it was. This show was like comedy puberty for me. Looking forward to these

"Oh Hodor. You never spoil anything."

"Oh Hodor. You never spoil anything."

I like you.

I like you.

"Aaron Sorkin is not, nor has he ever been first rate. He is a habitual
contriver of maudlin, melodramatic, self satisfied pseudo intellectual
smarm. Smarm, I tell you."

"Aaron Sorkin is not, nor has he ever been first rate. He is a habitual
contriver of maudlin, melodramatic, self satisfied pseudo intellectual
smarm. Smarm, I tell you."

Especially if you like descriptions of food and clothing. And nipples. Lots of nipples.

Especially if you like descriptions of food and clothing. And nipples. Lots of nipples.

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus The Cersei stuff is good, I'll give you that. The Brienne chapters bored me to tears. It was the same stuff over and over. I get that she's used as a device to show the devastation throughout the continent, but that was pretty easy to get after the first few chapters.