Major Major Major Major

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus The Cersei stuff is good, I'll give you that. The Brienne chapters bored me to tears. It was the same stuff over and over. I get that she's used as a device to show the devastation throughout the continent, but that was pretty easy to get after the first few chapters.

Agreed, I'm interested in the Rock/Lannisport. I do wonder how we'll get there, though. I can't imagine a Jaime/Cersei POV chapter there given where their stories take them. Perhaps an invasion? I'd love that to be the first place Dany's dragons tear shit up on Westeros.

Agreed, I'm interested in the Rock/Lannisport. I do wonder how we'll get there, though. I can't imagine a Jaime/Cersei POV chapter there given where their stories take them. Perhaps an invasion? I'd love that to be the first place Dany's dragons tear shit up on Westeros.

A Song of Ice and Firecrotch.

A Song of Ice and Firecrotch.

I was busy during Digital Estate Planning, so I watched the last two live and caught the video game episode online just now. I loved it. I found it humorous, clever, and indicative of some of the best aspects of each character. I wonder if watching it separated from the natural timeline of the story made it better? I

I was busy during Digital Estate Planning, so I watched the last two live and caught the video game episode online just now. I loved it. I found it humorous, clever, and indicative of some of the best aspects of each character. I wonder if watching it separated from the natural timeline of the story made it better? I

Apparently, money grows on the Joshua Tree.

Apparently, money grows on the Joshua Tree.

"Becoming Streets Ahead - 20G"

Of course video game Donald Glover would be able to jump higher than the other characters.

I need help reacting to something.

I thought it was great directing. It made the scene flow a lot better centering it on Myrcella, rather than having the story swift from child to child. The reasoning behind the Greyjoy match was a little weird, but the purpose is not to have it make sense … it's so Tyrion can flex his awesomeness and catch a

I, Loras = Sailor. Coincidence?

That's honestly the thing that worries me the most about the future of this show: A sexy-time scene between a clearly randy-all-the-time Margaery and an inexperienced Bambi in Tommen. Maybe they would add a Ser Pounce cameo and play it up for laughs.

Alas, he was killed by some Dreaming from the Waist.

"God, Bill, your rocket's huge!"

Something I learned about the dean tonight (though probably should have known all along): he likes to be whipped by invisible douches.

If they're going to become the major villains in the series (I'm only about 250 pages into AFFC, so I don't know how much more major they become, but it's clear they're going to get past the Wall), they need to be kept in the mind of the viewer. This is a great way to do it: We don't have to see any of the characters