Major Major Major Major

I feel it was more because Pete brained himself on the support pillar, but your interpretation is adequate, too.

Zooby zooby zoo! Zooby zooby zoo! Fuck you, Walking Dead, we can get ratings, too!

I can't be the only one who, having never seen this movie before, thought that was Neal McDonough in the the picture on the home page, right? Or maybe my vision is just clouded 24/7 by Justified's kick-ass season. I thought I saw Tim Olyphant in my Cinnamon Toast Crunch this morning, too.

And mysterious!

I watched the live stream and, ever since then, have been nonstop humming, "Doot doot doo doo, doot doo doo doo, doot doot doo doo doo doo, DOO DOO DOO DOOOO DOO (doo doo doo).

May you be forever forced to watch this on loop until you change your mind: http://bit.ly/paFTV5

I don't know - I was hoping there would be a Whitney Houston talk-show sketch where she interviewed guests from her bathtub while they sat on the john. The final guest would be Darrell Hammond.

I imagine you haven't liked a sketch like the ones tonight since …

Fucking Beatles, being all influential and shit. I blame you for the Jonas Brothers!

All of this thread is totes Liotes.

You mean like the sequel that quote comes from?

Swedish Chef nods his head in agreement.

I both love and hate when shows add character after character that make you intrigued to watch and catch a glimpse of them doing something awesome. Owen Sleater is the newest one in Boardwalk Empire, and his face-off (no pun intended) with Richard Harrow was one of the coolest parts of the show this week. The worst

My thoughts exactly. Though a tumble down the stairs couldn't possibly hurt what really ails her: a face for scaring children at Halloween.

I quickly glanced at this headline and mistakenly saw "Keri Russell will pick up Kevin Costner's slave-trading slack." I was pretty shocked … and a little intrigued.

If the banner picture showed off her chestal region, you would see that this statement is not exactly true, dirty mouth similarities aside.

If Stanley Tucci doesn't play Dickie V…
The world will be slightly less cool than it could be. He'll just need to have a strong gay vibe with whoever plays Coach K.

Don't worry about that spoiler. Most everybody pretends Season 2 never happened anyway.