an owl

That's been an ongoing problem with the series.  I think it was back in season two, there was a scene where Clay's talking about how much they'd expanded from their humble beginnings as the original 9.  And, as far as we'd ever seen, they had about 6 or 7 total members.  You'd think they could scrape some of the

That result is not what many, many years of following the exploits of The Honky Tonk Man have taught me.

So what's the proper French pronunciation of "Lisbon"?

Indeed it is, my friend.  Indeed it is.

Penn and Teller live are phenomenal.  It's been a long time since I saw them (they were playing Bally's at the time) but not only was it a great show, but they came off as dead decent human beings.  At the end of the show, they stood at the back of the hall and spoke to everyone who was interested.  I ended up having

Ratt, really?  You're touting Ratt?  You seem like a nice guy, all in all, South, but Ratt?

A damn solid comment, and I'm gobsmacked by the fact that someone here not only knows who Ferlin Husky is, but chose him as their avatar.  Well played, sir.  Well played, indeed.

You are correct, sir.

Um…are you trying to convince us that people paid for Napster?  Really?

Jebus, Lux.  I thought you were one of the good ones.

Yes, there was a lot of shit on Fat.  But no need to apologize.  Between NOFX and the later Screeching Weasel releases, Fat Mike and crew have done far more good than harm.

You may want to talk to a Norwegian about that.

And by "in" I mean "it".  Turns out I'm not as good of a drunken typist as I thought.

Pirate Bay seems to be frowned upon in these parts.  But I live in Asia.  Good luck seeing any watchable television without it.  This very site would make little sense if I wasn't able to access popular media within a day of its release.  An owl downloading Curb Your Enthusiasm or Treme doesn't take a dime out of

And the winner is?  The Ramones, "Merry Christmas, I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight".

Is anyone surprised by Yee Yee's revelation?

Larry David's used that bit to pretty, pretty, pretty good effect.

*also ignores height requirements for most rides at Six Flags.

I rewatched 'em all at once this year, as well.  While Dianne could, indeed, be grating, she didn't hold a candle to Rebecca in that category.

She does have very tidy but-tocks.