an owl

Way ahead of you…

There are very, very few things in this world that I feel confident declaring to be self-evidently wrong.  Rooting for Floyd Mayweather is one of those things.

Sarge does a great cover of that song.

The above was obviously typed by someone who has never seen "Mad Love".

The drive into the woods here, and the final scene of Breaking Bad's "Run" rank as two of my favorite TV moments.

I realized I was livin' life right about 10 years ago when, as I was about to hit the sack, I reflected upon the fact that I had eaten both lunch and dinner at strip clubs. It's been all down hill from there.

Given that Lesnar can neither stay healthy nor beat a quality opponent, I think you're over-estimating his current drawing power.

I enjoy drinking.  I bought a bar.  I made pretty decent money at it.  But what you're saying is spot on.  Making something a job can really take away what you liked about it in the first place.  Most people like getting drunk.  But about the fifth night in a row when you realize, "In order for all of my drunken

I really liked that "biopic" of Chuck Barris, which I'm pretty sure was Clooney's directorial debut.

I am not good folk.

i haven't watched much Letterman in the CBS era, either.  But his recent interview with Herman Cain was a thing of beauty.  Dave just kept pressing and pressing.  I was surprised by how tenacious he was, and this was still, I believe, when Cain was at the top of the polls.

There are crazies of every political stripe.  Crazy-ass democrats, however, are never the front-runner for their party's Presidential nomination.

I'm firmly in the Stewart camp.  But your point about the false dichotomy is well-taken.  Bill Maher complained about this in the wake of the Rally to Restore Sanity.  As to the other supposed binaries that divide us as people:  I hate the Beatles, I hate the Yankees (but have never followed American League baseball),

What are the odds of a movie starring performers named Paris Jackson and Joey Fatone not being a porn?

Not unlike Colt .45, use of the word "wiener" works every time.

I'll readily admit to having spent a fair amount of time enjoying the comforts of women of questionable virtue.  But even an owl would have to draw the line at someone who was able to use a conch shell as a tampon.

As, I'm assuming, one of the few in these parts that actually watches The Ultimate Fighter, I can assure you that the Dave and Busters logo was on the mat during the original filming.  I could go on, but I'm really behind in organizing my Affliction t-shirt collection.

This guy really knows his shit!

Fine. Fine.  Cut an owl and The Expats off the bill…again.

Yeah, you'd think a sitcom with Galafianakis, Morrissey and skinny Duane Johnson would've had some staying power.