an owl

I owned a bar that had a fair contingent of Manc customers.  I was shocked by how, to a man, they all still really dug this stuff.  These weren't your typical indie rocker types, either.

At the first one, anyone following Nine Inch Nails was doomed from the start.

That is precisely why I never started smoking in college.  "So, let me get this straight.  Booze is everywhere and damn near free, but in order to get pot I have to pay and/or associate with those clowns?  You set 'em up, Lloyd, I'll knock 'em down."

Yeah, it struck me as odd that no one seemed to be in a hurry to toss those bags.  Particularly if you're terrible, like Cochran, it seems like the more of those bags you launch the better your odds of actually landing a couple.  But every shot they showed involved people taking long breaks to either bemoan their

(cut to Sookie arguing/removing top)

"So then the aliens decided to fill a bunch of the volcanoes with nuclear warheads. For the rest of the story, please insert an additional $20,000." - L. Ron Hubbard, trying like hell to keep a straight face.

"The fuck's a guy gotta do to get some recognition around here?" - The echoing voice of Jonah.

Ah, fuck me, it's Noah, not Moses.  Looks like you weren't the only one who wasn't paying attention in Sunday school.

Let's just say that the 11th Commandment was "Though shalt not boast of the  girth of thy schlong."  That tablet never made it off of The Mount.

Really?  Her response to that All-Stars "incident" struck me as a gross over-reaction.  Granted, I don't know the woman personally (or what she may have gone through in her life) but her reaction didn't come off as completely genuine, to my eye at least.

If you remember what Susan's husband looks like from the family videos episode, the mental imagery becomes even more disturbing.

He did work at a suicide hotline for a period.  Not sure exactly how the karmic ratio works in terms of balancing things out, though.

Though she doesn't seem to get much recognition these days, I still find Colleen to be the most attractive Survivor, ever.  Well, certainly the most attractive that went any distance in the game, I do seem to remember a Mexican deputy who got booted early in Africa who was also ridiculously appealing.

I thought you looked familiar.

"Monsters A-Go-Go" is no picnic, either, hoosier.



That may be due, in large part, to longtime UFC welterweight champ, George St. Pierre, being one of the most famous and beloved Canadian athletes on the planet.  I'm not a big fan of his, but I will say that he comports himself with a degree of class that a lot of other UFC fan favorites (like Rampage Jackson and Nick

Be careful with that, fellas.  I hear he's into havin' sex, he ain't into makin' love.

Having looked at that list, I really dug almost half of those movies.  Apparently use of the word fuck per minute is a pretty reliable indicator of an enjoyable modern film.  Whodda thunk it?