an owl

I couldn't even get through the whole Rifftrax version.  Having seen the bulk of the MST3k and Rifftrax stuff, I think this was the only thing that sucked so hard that I just couldn't stomach it.  This from a guy who's seen "Manos: Hands of Fate" more than once.

Yeah, on second look Darryl Oates doesn't look quite right.  Oh well, the search for pappy continues.

Time to form that "supergroup" with Andrew Ridgely and Darryl Oates.

Hung's ok, but better ratings than Curb?  Maybe it's time for an episode featuring Funkhauser's enormous schlong.

In fairness, I was half-paying attention to parts of the episode as it was in a minimized screen on my computer.  I do vaguely remember an out of place comment about how the car automatically slowed down when taking corners, which struck me as a pretty annoying feature, actually.  Didn't catch the logo, though.

There have been episodes of Eureka that had blatant Subaru ads in the same vein as Chuck's "Pardon me while I enjoy my delicious subway meatball sub, available for only three dollars…mmm….tasty."

I actually didn't catch that one, either.  Now if you want to see product placement that can't be missed, tune in to Chuck or Eureka.


"Better on one's dignity than being Gong Showgonged".
A mob of white people from Showtime at the Apollo are here to see a Mr. Tabernacle.

Thanksgiving just hasn't been the same without The Onion Sports Network's award winning coverage of college football.

Let's just say that being an English major with no real thought about money can lead to an interesting tale…from theater manager, to lawyer, to expatriate bar owner, to marginally employed illegal alien dicking around on the internet.  Or so I've heard…  One hopes the final few chapters have a redemptive arc, kids.

Christ, the stories I could tell…

Thanks for the assist.  Appreciate it, brother….

Yeah, there hasn't been a decent SS vehicle since the Panzer.

No, Gherkins, it was a sitcom, and a damned good one.

I thought her Comedy Central show was fantastic.  How much she can get away with on network tv, however, remains to be seen.

Nuchy Thompson, primarily.

Just finished watching that final scene for the fourth time, as I was a bit surprised by Zack's interpretation that Opie pulled his shot.  What Mortimer says is absolutely correct.  I'm not guaranteeing that Clay is dead, by any means.  But based on the locations of the wounds I think it's pretty hard to support the

I just rewatched it last week, thoroughly enjoyed it.  It also features a bar scene that is sexy as all hell and overwhelmingly disturbing at the same time.   In this owl's opinion, the movie has gotten an undeserved bad rap.