an owl

Yeah, I was well impressed with Dave.  He just wouldn't let go, and it was a thing of beauty to behold.

That was a major plot point in George Clooney's first movie, "Return of the Killer Tomatoes", as well.  Strangely, this is not a joke.

Somehow it's comforting to know that I'm not the only perv who saw that "Let My Puppets Come" trailer on a rented VHS porno.  Unless…dear god, please don't tell me you actually rented "Let My Puppets Come".

Scandinavian heritage would certainly explain the name "Doomtree".

Well, Lobsters, if anyone should know…

I just can't decide if I'm Team Newt or Team Mitt.

Does she really say crazier shit during the full moon?  Or am I maybe confusing the concept of "lunatic" with that of "werepublican"?

Isn't "cocksucker" pretty much the male equivalent of "bitch"?  Don't think I ever heard Swearengen call a woman a "cocksucker", at least not in a pejorative sense.

On top of which, a random lady who was at one of the Republican debates came up to me afterwards and swore that looking directly into those eyes caused her daughter to grow a second head.

That's great.  When Herman Cain came on stage on Letterman last week, the band played "I Keep Forgettin'".  That, too, seemed to go straight over everyone's head, as it went by without comment.

Nah, the Averngers are the South's Mightiest Heroes assembled to bring to justice the person or persons responsible for the death of Jim Varney. While their powers may not equal those of the Avengers, they do have one advantage, in that Averngers Mansion is totally mobile.

Thanks for the heads up.  I would've put good money on "Cock-head", "Cocksucker" seemed a bit more Swearengen than Ozzy was likely to go.

Between this and the obsession with scat, I'd say there's a better than even chance that Gherkins is actually Irvine Welsh.

Nice to see that somebody still subscribes to Cinemax.

The fact that he outright quit the last time he was on probably put him out of favor with the producers.

I, too, find this annoying.

Beat me to it.  That's a great, great song.

As someone who just finished eating a bowl of 8 baht packaged ramen and a slice of bread with peanut butter, that one hit a bit too close to home.

"• Incredible story about Herron scoring Oxy outside the arena in his second game as a Celtic. How did he even get away with it?"
Limbaugh's maid strikes again!
