an owl

um…have you actually seen her lately?

That's a well diversified portfolio, Gherkins.  I lost my shirt when I sank my entire life savings into CHUDs.

Still way too risky.

Ironically, that would actually make you more likely to rock out with your…ah, screw it, this ain't goin' anywhere…

The removed comment was pretty much just anti-semitism for the sake of it.  It certainly wasn't what anyone would consider a coherent joke.

Would that Tony Jaa could learn passable English.

Looks like she just now replied in the thread to which you posted the link.  Seems to be a screw-up, rather than any nefarious goings-on.

Still several notches up the list from Edward James Olmos.

You do realize that Biggest Loser is, technically, a reality show?

Long ganesh my desire to continue thish any further.

Settle down.  You keep talking like this and we're going to end up with a new Herman's Head.

Whichever one of them saw Shia LaBoeff and thoght "movie star" has a lot to answer for.

Ozzy's self-sacrifice was moronic for all of the reasons mentioned above.  One thing I haven't seen discussed, though, is the nature of these RI challenges.  Ozzy's not going to square off against her in a tree climbing challenge, or a swimming challenge, or a foot race or a weight lifting competition.  Pretty much

I'd always heard that haggling quote attributed to Chico Marx.  I think I still prefer to think of it that way, facts be damned.

I'm pretty sure where the smart money is.  Take Scorcese and lay the points.

Brother, I'm still pissed about  that Mexican deputy getting ousted immediately in Africa.

I, too, think Survivor is his best.  I still buy 'em, but his books have been yielding diminishing marginal return, of late.I started Tell-All a couple of months ago and haven't picked it up since.  Given that the book isn't that much thicker than a Jack Chick tract, if it had me hooked like Survivor I would have

Avoid sharp objects.

I'm with ya on Velvet Glove.  Ghost World probably clocks in at a close second.  I bought all of the Eightballs when they came out, and I really can't remember much about Boring, Ice Haven or Death Ray.  The first two, however, have made an indelible impression.

Sounds like what you need is a man that'll rutual the time.