an owl

I spent months, months, searching for the Hooper theme song on Napster.  Acquiring it just before Napster went tits up may be my single greatest accomplishment.

Ladies and gentleman, The Vapors!

They say the Mormons had to flee from East to West…

This is a mad, mad, mad, mad idea.

Well, if my budget for alcohol, Coke and cigarettes was $0 a year, I'd probably have a few extra ducats, myself.

Might have something to do with trying to normalize Mormonism so likely Republican  candidate Mitt Romney won't be dismissed as a nut-job.

Points for tenacity, though.  Motherfucker's gone with that same shitty haircut for 6 decades, now.

Given that Magic Johnson was once a talk show host, that's taking one on the chin(s).

That headline just blurred the line between the Onion and the AV Club even further.

Yeah, this is dead in the water.  There are probably more straight males that watched Sex in the City than Lifetime.

Not by the 1:25 mark.  Anybody that got further than that has more patience than an owl.

The fact that Stan Lee didn't show up for the Avengers trailer has me more than a bit worried.  Surely the mighty Stan couldn't be numbered among the growing multitude of Disqus victims….

Rourke, by a mile.

If you're talking about the movie, yeah, I'd say that's blasphemous.

I agree with everything you just typed.  I thought "international waters" and the 'video game transporter" were damned funny.  But the bad bits were truly awful.  Maybe he needs a 15 minute show (a la Children's Hospital), 'cause it's hard to get behind a show that isn't mediocre for 50 percent of the time, but

I can see your fixation with sharks has continued to escalate. How many times do I have to say it?  Sometimes a candy-gram is just a candy-gram.

I'm pretty sure Francis gave up acting after his first movie went direct to video.  Poor fella had to rent it like a beaten mule.

Mr, Ed worshiped the Dark Lord?  How in hell do you make the devil horns with hooves?

Watersports on network TV?  Where do you think you are, Germany?

Unless CBS decided to only slap the terrible bits that had ended up on the cutting room floor into their fall network preview special, it's kinda hard to believe that this could possibly merit a B plus.