an owl

If, for whatever misguided reason, you decide to have sex with Andy Dick, I'm guessin' your best bet is to go to your place.

Zithromax was invented for just such occasions.

If, and only if, Gilbert Gottfried has a son.

Sorta the whole concept of Fight Club, really.

Sounds a bit reminiscent of the Canadian series, "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil".

Frat Guise makes a fair point.

I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.

I've got no problem with deGrasse Tyson
and his salt 'n' pepper 'do, but if they're looking for a physicist with really entertaining hair to host the show, Michio Kaku delivers more bang for the buck.

Fan's of 70's porn are still spankin' it to "The Clam Who Wasn't Bare".

If, by "Dawes' , you mean 'Screeching Weasel', you are correct.

A simple bowl of Fiddle-Faddle and a DVD box-set of Community would have achieved the same result, with a lot less effort.

Listen, Cooper, I can't speak for the coyote, but whatever you've heard about Hyden and I is patently false.

The Bangkok 7's do a decent (and damned cheap) ham and cheese toasty, as well. As an added bonus, the stuff at 7 is comparably priced to the same items in a grocery store, and there seems to be more than one per block in a lot of the city. If they just figured out how to start stocking Camels, it'd be very close to

That's a damned good call. Along similar lines, the final fantasy sequence in 25th Hour is pretty crushing, too.

If we're going that route (and I pretty much have to , as movies don't make me cry), I'll nominate Last Exit to Brooklyn. The scene where the kid pulls up on his prized motorcycle to find Tra La La, the idealized woman of his dreams, in…erm…the state she was in…jebus. It's an absolute killer.

Gotta throw my hat in with Streamline on this one. I really, really like Louie. But, episode for episode, Curb almost always makes me laugh more.

Should such a titanic crossover occur, it must be scored by Wesley Willis.

The Zinn Master vs. The Rovenator?

I'm still holdin' out for "Bull-Men on Parade".

Think it was "Saw it on a Sunny D commercial".