an owl

You obviously missed the Syfy classic, UberNewt vs. Mondomander.

It's no big surprise that he's not really that great. Those squiggly spider-sense lines coming out of his head are a brutal tell. Now, Mysterio, there's a guy with a poker face.

That's not a bad call at all, DPA. If he's to appear shirtless though, it's gonna be a helluva long day for some unlucky waxing technician.

Can't we all just get along? Both Wesley and Magnus got off good ones.

Hamm was the first one who leaped to mind for me, as well. Somehow, he seems a little too beefy, though.

If I had to choose one, I think I'd go with "Five Characters in Search of an Exit". Then again, I've always liked films like "Cube" that are built around the fact that no one knows where they are or how they got there. There's a surprisingly large number of movies built around this premise, though I'm not aware of

I can see where you're going with this. But at least one thing will forever separate the two: Cranston wins the moustache war, hands down.

They know better than to fuck with me. My lawyers are Johnson, Bronstein and Chupacabra.

While his work doesn't rise to the level of the HBO boxing crew, he is head and shoulders above what passes for commentary on the Strikeforce fights.

It's not a quote, as such, but I think this nicely sums up a lot of the shows "stars".

While I like Bob Mould, The Screaming Trees and Jack Nicholson in The Shining, describing any of them as "eye candy" seems a bit generous.

It's a Mash-Up of Pulp Fiction, Cops and Sanctuary
So, John Travolta plays Alabama socialite Ronnie Dobbs?

My Angel Moroni was a Centerfold

That guy from Korn would like to have a word with you.

For all the Australian perverts out there:

The theme song got a lot worse.

Who can spot Bellini/Uttering a line?
The Candy Man can/The Candy Man can

Shadowy Character on a Shadowy Sketch Show
I'm not sure why, but every time I watched Kids in the Hall I was hoping that Bellini would show up. I don't think he ever even uttered a line, but there was something inherently funny about his nonchalant demeanor while wandering around wrapped in his towel.

Nothin' trumps Louie.

This is radio, son. It's all about the payola.