an owl

"Love" is such a strong word. Now that you remind me, I've probably been taking the air for granted too much, of late.

This is gonna cause a real problem for the Sony/modern-retelling version. Angry mobs just don't have the same visual oomph now that torches have fallen out of favor.

The Mummy: "I'm gettin' too old for this shit!"

Do you, perchance, have a lot of crucifixes lying around?

*pokes figgy part out of Fig Newton*
*listens intently*

I just want the celebrity to say "fuck" a lot. Which is why Norm MacDonald is the greatest interview on earth.

Hang in there viewers, Louie's on his way to save the day.

Damn, his science is too tight.

Best ever is probably going too far, but that "Run" episode from last season kicked all kinds of ass.

(cue sad Bill Cosby)

The one on Yahoo is worse? This one almost defies belief. The fact that there were still people in the audience screaming throughout it, as though they were impressed by the performance, is nuts, too. Maybe Serbians are just really, really impressed by suggestive backup dancing.

I base all of my culinary decisions on the refined palate of Mikey.

Abra-kadab *snikt*

Turtle: "Weiner shrinks from low-ball offer."

Somewhere in the backroom of a thrift shop, Mr. Brainwash is hiring a team of art students to kick him for not thinking of this first.

…the bulk of the budget having been spent on Schlitz and rumpled sportcoats.

While not on the scale of Mardi Gras,
the foot chase in "Angel Heart' that disrupts that small Harlem parade/ (jazz funeral?) is pretty memorable. It also does a nice job of setting the tone for the type of otherworldliness that Harry will encounter when he finally makes it to New Orleans.

If only they could have found a way to shoe-horn a parade scene into 'Mitchell', Baker may have finally taken home the Oscar that unjustly eluded him for so long.

this will be as good as Troll II. In these trying financial times, the residents of Nilbog could certainly use an influx of Hollywood cash.

I've read all of 'em except the newest release (and that AV Club ad has probably resulted in a sale). I'd put 'Survivor' up as his best. I enjoy Palahniuk, but I don't think he's done anything of late that tops that.