an owl

Camus' 'The Stranger'
is the only book I've read more than once. I suppose it helps that it's pretty short. It really is a great book, though, blessed with two of the best opening lines in literary history.

Wait, you can get a genius grant for snorting mounds of cocaine and distributing a sex tape of yourself giving a stripper a dirty sanchez, now? Man, that MacArthur Foundation has really changed their standards.

One of the coolest things I ever saw at a show was some young dorky kid front and center at a NOFX gig in Chicago blissfully hopping around in a full-on kangaroo suit. The band actually pulled him on-stage at one point. That was one kid who sure as hell wasn't worried about his punk cred.

I think he addressed this on the liner notes of a NOFX album where he explained that "I haven't been feeling well, lately".

How "Fuzztones" came out as "Fuzzytones" is beyond me. Maybe the world is finally ready for H.R. Puffenstuff based retro-60's garage music?

"in case they're visiting Vegas yet are concerned about maintaining their 'punk cred'"
A friend and I traveled to Vegas once specifically to see the Las Vegas Shakedown, which had performances from Texas Terri, The New Bomb Turks, The Fuzzytones, Andre Williams and the like. There was a helluva lot more to do after

Always been partial to Bukowski's tombstone, myself:


Um…Doc? I think you've confused Otomo's Akira with Asa Akira.

Lisbon hit it.

I don't know. What's Prince up to? He was box office gold in "Purple Rain".

In a sad, lonely shed
Andy Dick's penis stares at the phone, hoping against hope that the Governor will come through at the last minute.

Kids, it's pretty obvious. If he's going to be playing a lawyer it MUST be Nathan Thurm.

No demeaning sex that Nancy Botwin endures will ever match her sister's turn in "Last Exit to Brooklyn".

Tough break, Oedipus. If only your mom wasn't so damn sexy.

You're probably gonna have to shell out for a beverage to properly enjoy the burrito. Then again, you'd probably have to fork over for some poppers to properly enjoy the Lady Gaga album. All in all, the burrito sounds like the better deal.

I'm imagining an effect with the boobs comically rebounding off if each other. Sort of like those executive toys only, you know, sexier.

Like the hydra of yore, if you kill one Bill Nighy, two more take his place.

I respect a man who knows where to draw the line.

Is that the fiddle player from Treme? "Cause I'm all for seein' more of her.