an owl

Yeah, casting of the 3 boobed woman is obviously the key. Does that redhead from Mad Men do films?

Let's just snikt these rumors in the bud. In the bud, Ange!

*enters ring in AV Club gi*
*slaps gogoplata on profdragon*
*collects 400 bucks*

I'm sure Ice T would agree with you, alex.

Settle down, kids. Sometimes a candygram is just a candygram.

*Goofy walks away from exploding village in slow motion*

"Gary & Melissa" was always my favorite. It somehow managed to be very sweet, while still very, very twisted.

Me too, bub, me too.

Candy Land
Was Jumanji a real game, first?

A laudable effort.

"That might be one too many, Tom Cruise."
'Fess up, AV Club. O'Neal ducked out to start his weekend early and let Nardwuar handle this one.

Don't sweat it. Give her a couple years and that rider will demand that she not be booked opposite the tractor pull finals and that she be provided with only gluten-free elephant ears.

I, too, caught it via Rifftrax. It's one of those things that has to be seen to be believed. But, without the commentary, I doubt I would have made it through the whole movie.

@Balduur I'm glad someone mentioned Angel Heart. You probably hit on the best moment, but that film really uses its music to establish the correct atmosphere, throughout. That film also puts Laverne Baker's "Soul on Fire" to memorable use.

The Supersuckers take on "Heavy Heart" on the Free the West Memphis 3 benefit CD is incredible.

Ya know, I never much liked that song, but it's hard to think of a more appropriate song for that final scene. It just seemed right, somehow.

Hey, it's Enrico Pallazzo , opera singer and umpire.

His twisted use of "Singin' in the Rain" in Clockwork Orange has always stuck with me.

Speaking of Tarantino, it's hard to think of a song that's as inextricably linked to a movie scene as "Stuck in the Middle with You". I cannot hear that song without thinking of Michael Madsen dancing around with a straight razor in his hand.

They actually did a version of that song for the film that has the famous Bush "fool me once" speech imbedded at the song's beginning. I also thought the use of the theme from "Greatest American Hero" in that movie was hilarious.