an owl

…and I got egg noodles and ketchup.
When Henry Hill finished his speech at the end of 'Good Fellas' and the Sid Vicious version of 'My Way' kicked in, I was grinning from ear to ear. Gotta give Scorcese a tip o' the hat for that one.

The opening strains of "Where Is My Mind?" heralding the tumbling of the skyscrapers in "Fight Club" is just perfect.

*runs hand tenderly over box of Frankenberries*

Chamber, even if you say it twice, it still ain't true. Nobody ever found Flava intimidating. The S1Ws or Professor Griff's rhetoric, maybe. But Flav was pretty much silly from the get-go.

Have we learned nothing from Flava Flav's forray into the fried chicken industry?

Counterpoint: Soul Plane

Obviously, nobody in the Cannes audience took his comments seriously. If they had, they would have surrendered to him, immediately.

[ill-conceived pun that seemed a lot funnier before 'Post" was clicked]

Ah, Sea Monkeys. The first in a lifetime of disappointments. The comics led me to believe I would be a Sandkings-like god, benevolently ruling over a race of worshipful little aquatic people. What did I get? A packet of dried brine shrimp. Part of my childhood died. Just died.

I don't give a damn what you say, that cookie is going nowhere near my YEAH.

*nervously puts pillow over lap*

Bfred, until 6 months ago I owned a bar in a country where it's (more or less) legal to smoke at bars. It would take some doing to get down two packs with a normal job, these days.

@J-Dizzle: I went to school there. I am from Illinois.

Yeah, the pack of Marlboros I'm smoking as I type this in Thailand has a closeup of a guy with a softball sized tumor on his face (an exo-brain of sorts) covering about sixty percent of the box.

As the one dumb-ass in the world who became a daily smoker in his 30's, I can't really recommend picking up the habit.

Inspired by Jawbreaker, I smoked filterless Chesterfield Kings for awhile (would probably still smoke 'em if they weren't out of business). I'd say 20 is about right. 40 if there's heavy drinking involved.


'The Shining' never got a sequel. It was remade as a mini-series starring John Ritter, though. Apparently King preferred it to the original. King was wrong.

That'll do, Billy (sniff), that'll do.

Yeah, Ginger, I treat House the same way, as well. It's partially due to the staleness of the formula, but the show definitely suffers when it focuses on the House/Cuddy romance. Hopefully this development will lead House down some very dark paths, and force some much needed change from the misdiagnose/argue with