an owl

Do not besmirch the good name of the pride of Milwaukee.

*takes pill*
*hair turns white*

Looks like you're in Seattle already,
so the locations for The Great Northern and the mill from Twin Peaks can't be too far away. Finding the Black Lodge may be beyond the scope of your project, though.

Are you implying that Xenu is Italian? I guess his name does end in a vowel.

I'd say that Robin Williams is more like an American were-Benigni.

I did see an episode of the new Looney Tunes show. In an odd coincidence, it featured Bugs and Daffy on a knock-off of the Newlywed Game called "Best Buddies", or some such. As you might expect, it was not good, as such.

While not technically dead, he was looking none too spry on 'Sons of Anarchy', last season.

On the one hand, I'd love to see OZ covered. On the other, I think you might have to install extra 'delete' buttons for all of the ugliness that would likely pop up in the comments section.

Coincidentally, I just started season 1 two days ago. Even the earliest episodes are still pretty solid. Cheers was the first thing I thought of, when requests were solicited.

In fairness, Medusa can prove quite distracting.

After a day marred by a record number of would-be firsts, your re-appearance is a breath of fresh air.

The sample song in this article is pretty decent, but I still think I prefer Fruit Brute.

*eats egg*
*looks at slowly turning fan*

I had no idea that Classy Freddy Blassie was involved in Minnesota politics. Looks like Jesse Ventura started a trend.

Didja ever notice that neither has anything on Andy Rooney?

Asian food that keeps it real? "Well I'm gonna go up to my room, and eat this mother fuckin' Panda Express. That's what I'm gonna do."

Fortuitous name aside,
grow out that fringe of hair just a bit, and he'd make a near-perfect Larry. The face even works. That's casting that makes sense. And, as he showed in the Curb episode where he was peeing like a firehose, he's certainly got the chops to pull off the broad, hammy laughs that you'd figure

Surely you must be thinking of "The Jazz Singer".

Throw in Abdullah the Butcher, and you've just sold one more ticket.

He has made an admirable, albeit unsuccesful, effort to look as stoned as Kathryn Bigelow.