an owl

This page could really benefit from a charming crayon drawing. Say, a house, smiling sun, and idyllic lawn with a mother, father, daughter and gimp all holding hands and smiling.

Sudhir's Indican Restaurant
If there's one thing that sums up just how far Sudhir's initial concept got derailed, it's this: braised beef as a featured item at an ostensibly Indian restaurant. The two contestants who rarely wavered from their initial ideas were Eric (who was, I would argue, prematurely whacked as a

That Funky Monkey
The fine folks at Heublein used to make a pre-mixed Brass Monkey cocktail. It consisted of "rum, vodka, natural fruit flavors" and some sort of very, very yellow food coloring. It was extremely sweet and went down pretty smooth. As I recall, it was only 35 proof. It did, indeed, go down pretty

How can I stay angry? You brought it all back around with the Mr. Show reference.

It's a weird, twisted little world in which I find myself
A review of "My Little Pony" is, by far, the most popular thing on this whole site. Meanwhile, the comment section on an article about Fugazi possibly getting back together has tumbleweeds blowing through it. Swear to Tim Yohannon, I'll never understand this

That's not what I've learned from The Dancing Bear.

Nah. As much as they might like to pretend that they're above the whole thing, Groening and company are just as caught up in that whole senseless East Coast/Midwest Coast feud that's led to the early deaths of so many of our brightest young cartoon characters.

Two male strippers? Homoerotic overtones?
Are you sure this isn't just a gritty reboot of Chip 'n' Dale?

I'm goin' with midget Schwarzenegger. Note how the head and ass are both disproportionately large when compared with the rest of the body.

Meanwile in Bizarro World
A square-faced gentleman surrounded by empty cans of Redbull feverishly memorizes state capitols and branches of government in a last-minute attempt to cram for his citizenship exam.

*tips ten gallon hat at Miller*

I was going to
make some sort of half-assed "Kiss an Angel Good Morning" joke, but instead, I'd prefer to use this space to ask what in hell's the deal with the (and I know this is an oxymoron) tiny Leno head popping up under The Rock's guitar?

In a jar the scars are plain to see…

Quite liked Gary Meier. Used to listen to Roe and Gary after he and Dahl fell out.

Bob Barker could be a winner, but for the fact that the name would constantly remind you that you had to chop the little fellas nuts off.

Multiple factors, really. Let's just say last Redshirt insanity + personal problems + increasing apathy is not the perfect formula for business success.

Had a small beerbar on Sukhumvit for 5 years. We went tits up the end of this November.

From his time as a regular on Saturday Night Live through the beginning of this episode, Will Ferrell had never once made me laugh. But, by the end of this episode I had to give him credit…keeping a streak of unfunny going this long shows some real commitment.

That "Trouble is a Friend" song has the ability to make an owl near-apoplectic with barely contained rage. I owned a bar in Bangkok, and on more than one occasion I struggled not to lose my bat when I came into my place to find my employees had put it on the stereo in my absence. It's the very definition of a song

The Empire guy died? Moustaches at half-mast!