an owl

I've read all of his novels (with the exception of his newest) and published short collections, this story isn't in any of them. Ellroy plus Patty Hearst seems like a combination that could be very entertaining.

You could do worse.

More of a male Medusa, based on the videos.

um…this makes even less sense here, than it would have in the thread below, where it was meant to go. I blame the flu.

In almost totally unrelated news, my favorite bartender ever was Gary Richrath's ex-wife.

Seinfeld certainly thought so.

Strikes me as highly unlikely.

Stan Lee's Superhumans
Did anyone else see this? I caught two or three episodes. It seemed like a premise with a fair amount of potential, but time after time they screwed it up something fierce. Also, for having Stan Lee's name right in the title, there was barely any of the alliteratin', over-the-top narration

*pours one out for dead homey, Sharktopus*

Never gave her much of a thought until "She-Wolf". I find that track pretty enjoyable, and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that (as I belatedly found out) the guy from The Bravery was involved. The music wouldn't be terribly out of place on one of their albums.

Shit, sorry, I was talking about the "Human Planet" series, mentioned in the article.

Why are there people like Frank? Also, while I'm unfamiliar with the work of the titular Dinoshark, I gotta say, I quite enjoyed Sharktopus.

I've seeen two of 'em on my computer monitor. I can tell ya that "The Oceans" one would be absolutely spectacular on BluRay. "The Deserts" didn't impress me nearly as much, but, let's face it, there's a lot more to work with with the ocean.

Nope. Heinz over Hunt's. Coke over Pepsi. Kleenex over Puffs. The only time we got it wrong was with smokes. Camel is clearly better than Marlboro.

Hunt's is the Pepsi of catsups.

looks like those fat broads with massive knobs at the Renaissance Fair are gonna have to spring for a Coleman, now.

*mousses pubes*

Pretty sure he's talking about that brown jug of moonshine on his gran'pappy's porch.

Gimme a break, it's clearly Marlee Matlin's beautifully delivered "Ihnnt…

I can't recommend 'Taxi Driver' highly enough. It's an owl's favorite movie. Then again, what do I know? I haven't been able to have lunch with the cool kids since I admitted that I hadn't seen 'The Great Escape'.