an owl

The hell's the point
of lying about seeing a movie. I have not seen "The Great Escape". There, I came out and said it. Would I be, what, 30 percent cooler if I just pretended it was one of my all-time favorites?

Well, if he's taking the OJ approach to finding the real killer, I guess we can look forward to several weeks of Belko touring Seattle's rainiest golf courses.

PE's music is a lot better than ICP's, I'll give ya that much.

In fairness, given that haircut, profiling Sean O'Neal's wouldn't put much of a burden on the TSA at all.

I thought we were talking about a hooker plane. Hot wings and blowjobs do not strike me as a very good combination.

According to that wiki article, one of the one-and-done shows was called "Heil Honey, I'm Home!". Oh, those nutty Brits.

I've seen them both. It's better than Reiser's show. A lot better.

Today, that peacock truly has a reason to be proud.

I hear ya there, Coop. Last time I flew I thought it going to be my first time on a new airbus. Imagine my surprise when I found out I was actually flying on a bangbus.

I was sorta hopin' for Padma Lakshmi and her killer motorboat.

Well, those and first person shooters.

Sadly, for the last few months I've only been playing single player adventures with my wii.

I love MMA and Silva is my favorite fighter. I just didn't feel like responding to your post.

There will be no badmouthing of Burger Time in my presence. Many a pleasant hour was whiled away running from those killer pickles…all in the crystal clear graphics that only the mighty Intellivision could supply.

Sure, gimp seems like an easy gig, but you have to pay for your own uniforms. That's where they get ya…well, that and all the ass-pounding.

In light of that Spider Man musical, I'm guessing Broadway producers are having about the same amount of luck as the US National Guard in getting new recruits. Polish up those taps, Killbot, it's a seller's market.

for snowed-in lodge. Nicholson actually had it pretty good. Minimal responsibility, free time to spare, and full access to what amounts to a massive mansion (to say nothing of the open bar). Sure, there were some minimal drawbacks, but in concept it sounds pretty sweet.

Given your avatar, that makes some sense. Lord knows the wrestling thing didn't really go the way you might have hoped.

That's something to look into. Ever since they busted the Evil Minions union, I'm barely makin' ends meet.

That market's dried up. Last I saw Torgo, poor fucker was reduced to delivering pizzas.