an owl

*bounce pass to Karl Malone*

That's when a moustache was a moustache.

I think you mean "humble vampire with a sparkly-ass dick".

I've read a fair few interviews with actors on this site, and Wendell Pierce comes off as the smartest one, thus far. It's sorta cool to know that the guy who plays Bunk and Antoine (both excellently) isn't just a mannequin that's good at line readings.

The Abbott and Costello "homage"
came off as pretty hackneyed, to me. Somehow, it was made even lamer by Lithgow actually referencing the original routine. Also, I thought Ted acted like an ungodly dick by announcing that he and Robin were getting married, in order to purposely ruin any chance she had of getting to

How did you stumble across this in the first place? Have you been healed through the inexplicable powers of gazing?

Zombies and Vampires Have Never Gotten More Work
Somewhere The Creature from the Black Lagoon sits, weepily spooning down Haagen-Dazs and staring at the phone.

I'm more of a changing room at TJ Maxx kinda guy.

It seems a bit like a less ambitious "Ernie Pook's Comeek".

I hear there's a gentleman living on an island off the coast of Massachussets that has quite a large penis.

Thank you for your order with Stephenie's Adult Novelties. Your credit card will be billed discreetly for one "Pocket Pita."

Blame it on Rio.

Fair point. He does generally come off as a pretty likeable guy. I still don't think an Indian chain has the same sort of potential as Meltworks, though. There are just way, way too many Americans who never eat Indian food, ever. The same cannot be said of, say, a grilled sandwich with chicken, cheese and bacon.

Bowling for Kardashians.

The content of the thread was, to the best of my admittedly drunk recollection, as follows: "I, almost universally beloved gimmick commenter, Stan Lee am retiring." [Insert a load of both negative and positive comments here]. [Fast forward two hours later] Thread no longer exists. Yeah, it was the first post on

Ok, ok. I'm crazy drunk. But I'm the first one who asked that question. I'm not a total asshole. I never get up the asses of the writers here. I don't get into wars with any other commenters. But that, frankly, strikes me as wrong. At least defend yourselves, kids. Whacking that thread, and I say this as a

*Larry Wachowski rolls up sleeves, removes bracelet*

Wow. We live in troubling times.

While the Rifftrax fellas have been very hit and miss, in general, That first 'Twilight' is, indeed, one of their finest efforts.

Being "huge into the raver scene" is probably not the ideal example of not being a moron.