
Burditt has written for many multi-camera shows, from Frasier to Old Christine (which he left 30 Rock for, then came back to 30 Rock when it was cancelled). Calling him a single-camera writer is weird and misleading: 30 Rock is his only single-cam credit.

I like the idea of dividing the "came up in the 00s" bands into those that followed the mold of Wilco and those that followed the mode of Radiohead. It definitely works for the ones you named. But I think there are a good amount that straddle the line—Arcade Fire's early stuff (especially the EP) is obviously

Yeah, Sheldon usually has weirdly good fashion sense (and awesome shirts! I own one already and want the one he wore in the opening of this ep), but his plaid pants getup later was horrible.

@Leonard, he is played by the strange/excellent/insane stand-up comic Erik Charles Nielsen.

This, plus The Jayhawks

If you hate Scrubs, you won't like Cougar Town. If you like Scrubs (I do), Cougar Town is a pretty decent to good show.

@Newman, TRUE THAT

@Thiawiwi, agree 100% with you on xkcd, that's better than I have ever been able to put it.

Wrong. Taxi is awesome. I bought the first season of it and it somehow holds up. Party Down is awesome too.

so, yeah, that covers every joke on this show

@Chartex, yes, "Listening Wind" is definitely from the perspective of a suicide bomber, or at the very least a terrorist.

dan harmon's twitter is really good

lol someguy post rules



um, yeah, i felt really strongly (x2) about that

Best line of the night in a really great episode was Abed shouting, "Thirteen!" at the baker's dozen of bagels, like one of those crazy savant people who can see large amounts at once.

Best line of the night in a really great episode was Abed shouting, "Thirteen!" at the baker's dozen of bagels, like one of those crazy savant people who can see large amounts at once.

He has said in interviews that the list of celebrities and the threat to "kick their ass in" was only included as an experiment to see if people paid attention to that part or the "politically critical" part before it ("Health insurance ripoff lying," etc.).

already been said, but yeah, "It's Only Time" is a pretty overwhelmingly positive, moving, and honest take on love. "The Book of Love" comes pretty close, too.