
lol @ Durr

@Tim C - that's entirely possible, but if so, it's a network note I like!

Yeah, but there WEREN'T enough aliens and werewolves in "All the President's Men."

Somebody better than me at ProTools/video editing needs to make a techno'ed-out remix song out of Sheldon saying, "GOODNIGHT PUNY HUMAN!" Please.

Research & Development

The politics of this movie are idiotic
So is the dialogue.

I barely ever smoke but this episode made me want a cig.

@viewdrix I'm guessing they lumped him with Ted in part because the kids wouldn't have said "What!?" about Barney.

Yeah, the presentation of the judges wasn't verisimilar, but it WAS hilarious. Which is a pretty accurate description of this show when it's good.

Christgau is probably my favorite music critic. I don't always agree with him, but I do believe that all the criticism he writes he writes not because he has an axe to grind but because he truly loves music.

Yes, I love that they gave such a misguided line/idea to Pam, a basically relateable and likable character.

"Punk'd" reference
was about five years too late. The rest of this episode was baller.

In Arrested Development, a great show, the cigarette burn would have been the fault of the mom, who started smoking again and was trying to hide it from the dad.


my faves that were excluded
Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation
Gogol Bordello - Super Taranta!
Battles - Mirrored (though I think this one has been mentioned by commenters already)